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Strange goings on - Attingham Park

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:18 pm
by JusGSi
So I've logged into the game today to have a quick play on Attingham Park during my lunch brea (the joy of working from home) and it's all gone a bit random.

Half of the sell points have disappeared!!

I only have one in the bottom left corner in the village, the two in the top right corner and the post office. All the others have vanished.

I had a look at the bakery and the building is still there but no sell point, the lumber yard sellpoint and building is there but not on the map, the woodchip sell point has vanished completely!

What is going on!

I also had a double silo up near the biogas plant, thats gone too!

The only thing I've done is to install the placeable logs mod. I've uninstalled it and it's not made any difference. I'm on a PS4.

Anyone else had any random things happen?

Re: Strange goings on - Attingham Park

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:49 pm
by chedly_farms
Did you place any of the logs? I’m not sure how that mod works? There are issues with placeable tree mods so I’m just guessing that is you issue. The problem with the placeable tree mod is once it causes a problem and you save it, I understand it’s irreversible and your save is ruined.

Sorry, I must have wrote this post when I just woke up. I had to edit it to make it understandable.

Re: Strange goings on - Attingham Park

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:42 pm
by Feirmeoir Eireannach
Ya that placeable log has issues, I accidentally installed it last night (that's what I get for looking through modhub half asleep) and when I loaded my save game it was a complete slide show lol my in game character fella had disappeared or turned invisible, all I could do was tab to tractors but it would freeze for nearly 10 seconds each time I tab, quit the game without saving and uninstalled that mod after realising I had installed it, every thing back to normal again.
I'm wondering did the op save the game, therefore saving the damage or can that even happen.