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How to fix "No connection could be established to this multiplayer game"

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:54 pm
by Redd
I thought I would make this little guide as I have seen this problem show up on discord quite a bit over the last while.
If you are getting this: Image

Could there be several reasons:
1. The hosts of the game has not enabled UPnP (Can be done when you need to choose Server name, pass and other info)
As shown in this picture: Image
This needs to be done in both the game and on there router.
Many issues can be resolved already with this step. But if it does not work.

2. Some ports might need to be open before you are able to host a game with your friends. It needs to be done in both your Firewall and on the router using Port Forwarding. Use this guide to help you the way: It has the info you need.
Note: lower down on the site theres a list for custom tailored guide to most used routers and how to open em. After clicking on the link and the routers name there might pop up an ultima guide you need to pay for. But close it down and choose your model.
(When it comes to user and pass. Some ISP might have change it but as default it is admin)

3. I'm not an 110% about this. But many says, if you want to host an dedicated server it is recommended to have an public ip. Not all ISP have this as standard service and may need to be paid extra for. Ask you ISP to be sure if you don't know.

Hope this helps.
Just remember that this is the hosts issue, but it don't hurt to have done it if you need to host yourself some day :biggrin2: