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extremely slow production

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:21 pm
by MrXNor
Question: I am on xbox series x, and on haut beyleron when i get the bakery, i can fill it with about 50K of flour. Fair enough. But it takes an absolute absurd amount of time to make the bread. Is that how its supposed to be?

I mean in RL if a bakery made 1000L of bread a month, it wouldnt really survive that long ?

Re: extremely slow production

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:38 pm
by StoneTheCrows
It's meant to be that way. It's a local bakery rather than an industrial facility. You can use it to boost income, but will struggle if you see it as a main source of income. Most of your crop will still go to a grain merchant.

Re: extremely slow production

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:53 pm
by MrXNor
ah right, well i can just use the industrial bakery mod if i want faster then. All things good when you know its meant to be that way, i think it is a bit slow for being a store in a town center, but but.. thats ok then. Ill stick to selling the flour then really