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Looking for modding partner - Stationary Logging Crane

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:06 pm
by zetdota
Dear All,

I'm looking for a partner to build something like this:

It's a Crane that would get logs from water, belt(red) them up and throw them in temporary bucket(green).
Bucket width would be hydraulic, to accommodate for different trailers.
Bucket would be weighed and belt would stop loading once set weigh is reached.
When bucket is emptied on a trailer and closed it starts filling again.

I'm good at tinkering with mods, but I haven't done solid published mod yet.
This one is pretty complicated.
I can do a lot, but I could really use help on this one.

I'd love for someone to carry me through process of making this.
I need directions and someone who can say no, because he tried already.

Please some kind soul, help me out with this one.