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Chicken manure

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:00 am
by jitrief
Hello, I am trying to develop the possibility that chickens can produce manure by adding straw, and so far it has been impossible for me.

I started by modifying a chickenHusbandry mod where you could add straw and produce manure, for that I used a pigHusbandry as a source which I edited.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<placeable type="chickenHusbandryManure" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../shared/xml/schema/placeable.xsd">
    <husbandry saveId="Animals_CHICKEN" hasStatistics="false">
        <storage node="storage" fillTypes="WATER STRAW MANURE" isExtension="false">
            <capacity fillType="WATER" capacity="0" />
            <capacity fillType="STRAW" capacity="145000" />
            <capacity fillType="MANURE" capacity="145000" />

        <unloadingStation supportsExtension="true" storageRadius="50" hideFromPricesMenu="true">
            <unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="0>3|1" fillTypes="STRAW" >
                <baleTrigger triggerNode="0>3|0"/>
            <unloadTrigger fillTypes="MANURE" />

        <loadingStation storageRadius="10" supportsExtension="false">
            <loadTrigger triggerNode="0>3|2|0" aiNode="0>3|2|1" fillTypes="MANURE" fillLitersPerSecond="2000" />

        <animals type="CHICKEN" maxNumAnimals="5000" maxNumVisualAnimals="1000" >
            <navigation rootNode="navigationRootNode" filename="navigationMesh.i3d" />
            <loadingTrigger node="loadingTrigger" />

            <manure factor="0.5" />
            <strawPlane node="0>19|0|0|4" minY="0" maxY="0" changeVisibility="true" />

        <food capacity="40000" >
             <feedingTrough exactFillRootNode="exactFillRootNodeFood" />
            <foodPlane node="FoodPlane" minY="0" maxY="0.14" changeVisibility="none" defaultFillType="WHEAT"/>

        <pallets fillType="EGG" maxNumPallets="12" unitText="$l10n_unit_pieces">
            <spawnPlaces >
                <spawnPlace startNode="palletArea1Start" endNode="palletArea1End" />
                <spawnPlace startNode="palletArea2Start" endNode="palletArea2End" />
				<spawnPlace startNode="palletArea3Start" endNode="palletArea3End" />
Later in a map I had to host an edited file of dataS/character/animals.xml, this to order that the chickens in this map needed straw and produced manure.

Code: Select all

    <animal type="CHICKEN" statsBreeding="breedChickenCount" clusterClass="AnimalCluster">

        <subType subType="CHICKEN" fillTypeName="CHICKEN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalChicken" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/chicken/store_chickenHen.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="6" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalChicken" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/chicken/store_chickenHen.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="6" durationMonth="2" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="25" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="1" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="5" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="5" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="10" />
I edited the chickenHusbandry's modDesc and added a new placeableType with its own specialization.

Code: Select all

        <type name="chickenHusbandryManure" parent="baseHusbandry" className="PlaceableHusbandry" filename="$dataS/scripts/animals/husbandry/placeables/PlaceableHusbandry.lua" >
            <specialization name="husbandryStraw"/>
    <animals filename="animals.xml"/>
Until now I had only achieved that without editing the modDesk, I can load the game and play, I can download straw in the chicken coop but in the animals menu there is no manure or straw bar, everything there is still intact.
when i edited the modDesk, i started getting errors in the log with lua files.

I don't know how to edit lua so...

this is part of the log errors

Code: Select all

2023-01-18 22:09 LUA call stack:
  dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (32) : printCallstack
  dataS/scripts/animals/husbandry/placeables/PlaceableHusbandry.lua (25) : registerEvent
  dataS/scripts/specialization/TypeManager.lua (254) : registerEvents
  dataS/scripts/misc/AsyncTaskManager.lua (41) : lambda
  dataS/scripts/misc/AsyncTaskManager.lua (120) : runLambda
  dataS/scripts/misc/AsyncTaskManager.lua (146) : runTopTask
  dataS/scripts/main.lua (1181) : update
2023-01-18 22:09 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua(36) : Error: Event 'onHusbandryFillLevelChanged' already registered as event in type 'FS22_BigChickenBarn.chickenHusbandryManure'!
2023-01-18 22:09 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'.
dataS/scripts/placeables/PlaceableUtil.lua(80) : attempt to call field 'new' (a nil value)

Re: Chicken manure

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:51 am
by jitrief
well, I solved almost everything recently, the problem was in the specializations, I'll upload the lines in case someone dares to do it too

in the modDesk the correct way is this

Code: Select all

        <type name="manureChickenHusbandry" parent="baseHusbandry"  >
		    <specialization name="husbandryPallets"       className="PlaceableHusbandryPallets"       filename="$dataS/scripts/animals/husbandry/placeables/PlaceableHusbandryPallets.lua" />
            <specialization name="husbandryStraw" className="PlaceableHusbandryStraw" filename="$dataS/scripts/animals/husbandry/placeables/PlaceableHusbandryStraw.lua"/>
            <!--specialization name="husbandryLiquidManure"  className="PlaceableHusbandryLiquidManure"  filename="$dataS/scripts/animals/husbandry/placeables/PlaceableHusbandryLiquidManure.lua" /-->
			<specialization name="manureHeap"             className="PlaceableManureHeap"             filename="$dataS/scripts/placeables/specializations/PlaceableManureHeap.lua" />
added the specialization so that the chicken coop has its own manure heap on itself

in the chickenBarnBig.xml the important thing is to match the name of the placeable

Code: Select all

<placeable type="manureChickenHusbandry" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../shared/xml/schema/placeable.xsd">
and also add in husbandry lines

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    <husbandry saveId="Animals_CHICKEN" hasStatistics="false" >
        <storage node="storage" fillTypes="WATER STRAW MANURE" isExtension="false">
            <capacity fillType="WATER" capacity="0" />
            <capacity fillType="STRAW" capacity="145000" />
            <capacity fillType="MANURE" capacity="145000" />

        <unloadingStation supportsExtension="true" storageRadius="50" hideFromPricesMenu="true">
            <unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="0>3|1" fillTypes="STRAW" >
                <baleTrigger triggerNode="0>3|0"/>
            <unloadTrigger fillTypes="MANURE" />

        <loadingStation storageRadius="10" supportsExtension="false">
            <loadTrigger triggerNode="0>3|2|0" aiNode="0>3|2|1" fillTypes="MANURE" fillLitersPerSecond="2000" />

        <animals type="CHICKEN" maxNumAnimals="5000" maxNumVisualAnimals="1000" filename="animals.xml">
            <navigation rootNode="navigationRootNode" filename="navigationMesh.i3d" />
            <loadingTrigger node="loadingTrigger" />

            <manure factor="1.5" />
            <strawPlane node="0>19|0|0|4" minY="0" maxY="0" changeVisibility="true" />
since I used the lines of the pigBarnBig.xml as a reference, from its i3d file I exported the nodes and triggers, then imported them into the chicken coop and assigned the nodes accordingly

and finally, an animals.xml file must be created, which I will share the codes here and you must copy it on a blank text sheet and save it as xml,

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>

    <animal type="COW" statsBreeding="breedCowsCount" clusterClass="AnimalCluster">

        <subType subType="COW_SWISS_BROWN" fillTypeName="COW_SWISS_BROWN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowSwissBrown" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowSwissBrown.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="12" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowSwissBrown" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowSwissBrown.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="18" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowSwissBrown" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowSwissBrown.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="18" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="150" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="12" value="80" />
                <key ageMonth="18" value="100" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="95" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="350" />
                <milk><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="12" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="12" value="150" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="250" />
        <subType subType="COW_HOLSTEIN" fillTypeName="COW_HOLSTEIN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowHolstein" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowHolstein.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="12" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowHolstein" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowHolstein.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="18" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowHolstein" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowHolstein.png" canBeBought="true" >
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="18" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="150" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="12" value="80" />
                <key ageMonth="18" value="100" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="95" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="350" />
                <milk><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="12" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="12" value="150" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="250" />
        <subType subType="COW_ANGUS" fillTypeName="COW_ANGUS" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowAngus" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowAngus.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="12" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowAngus" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowAngus.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="18" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowAngus" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowAngus.png" canBeBought="true" >
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="18" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="3000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="230" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="3000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="3500" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="2500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="12" value="80" />
                <key ageMonth="18" value="100" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="15" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="130" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="450" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="25" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="300" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="250" />
        <subType subType="COW_LIMOUSIN" fillTypeName="COW_LIMOUSIN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowLimousin" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowLimousin.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="12" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowLimousin" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowLimousin.png" canBeBought="true" >
                <visual minAge="18" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalCowLimousin" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/cow/store_cowLimousin.png" canBeBought="true" >
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="18" durationMonth="10" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="3000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="2000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="230" />
                <key ageMonth="24" value="3000" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="3500" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="2500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="12" value="80" />
                <key ageMonth="18" value="100" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="15" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="130" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="450" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="25" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="300" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="250" />

    <animal type="PIG" statsBreeding="breedPigsCount" clusterClass="AnimalCluster">

        <subType subType="PIG_LANDRACE" fillTypeName="PIG_LANDRACE" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigLandrace" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigLandrace.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="6" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigLandrace" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigLandrace.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="6" durationMonth="4" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="30" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="90" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="75" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="95" />
        <subType subType="PIG_BLACK_PIED" fillTypeName="PIG_BLACK_PIED" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigBlackPied" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigBlackPied.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="6" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigBlackPied" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigBlackPied.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="6" durationMonth="4" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="30" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="90" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="75" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="95" />
        <subType subType="PIG_BERKSHIRE" fillTypeName="PIG_BERKSHIRE" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigBerkshire" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigBerkshire.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="6" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalPigBerkshire" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/pig/store_pigBerkshire.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="6" durationMonth="4" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="30" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="90" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="75" />
                <liquidManure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="40" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="95" />

    <animal type="SHEEP" statsBreeding="breedSheepCount" clusterClass="AnimalCluster">

        <subType subType="SHEEP_LANDRACE" fillTypeName="SHEEP_LANDRACE" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepLandrace" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepLandrace.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="8" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepLandrace" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepLandrace.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="8" durationMonth="5" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="8" value="50" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="50" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6"  value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="20" />
        <subType subType="SHEEP_STEINSCHAF" fillTypeName="SHEEP_STEINSCHAF" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepSteinschaf" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepSteinschaf.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="8" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepSteinschaf" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepSteinschaf.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="8" durationMonth="5" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="8" value="50" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="50" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6"  value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="20" />
        <subType subType="SHEEP_SWISS_MOUNTAIN" fillTypeName="SHEEP_SWISS_MOUNTAIN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepSwissMountain" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepSwissMountain.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="8" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepSwissMountain" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepSwissMountain.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="8" durationMonth="5" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="8" value="50" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="50" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6"  value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="20" />
        <subType subType="SHEEP_BLACK_WELSH" fillTypeName="SHEEP_BLACK_WELSH" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepBlackWelsh" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepBlackWelsh.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="30" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalSheepBlackWelsh" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/sheep/store_sheepBlackWelsh.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="8" durationMonth="5" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="200" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1500" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="100" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="1000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="30" />
                <key ageMonth="8" value="50" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="20" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="5" value="50" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6"  value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="20" />

    <animal type="HORSE" statsBreeding="breedHorsesCount" clusterClass="AnimalClusterHorse">

        <subType subType="HORSE_GRAY" fillTypeName="HORSE_GRAY" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseGray" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseGray.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_PINTO" fillTypeName="HORSE_PINTO" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorsePinto" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horsePinto.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_PALOMINO" fillTypeName="HORSE_PALOMINO" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="3" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorsePalomino" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horsePalomino.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_CHESTNUT" fillTypeName="HORSE_CHESTNUT" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="4" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseChestnut" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseChestnut.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_BAY" fillTypeName="HORSE_BAY" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="5" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseBay" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseBay.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_BLACK" fillTypeName="HORSE_BLACK" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="6" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseBlack" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseBlack.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_SEAL_BROWN" fillTypeName="HORSE_SEAL_BROWN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="7" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseSealBrown" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseSealBrown.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />
        <subType subType="HORSE_DUN" fillTypeName="HORSE_DUN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="8" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalHorseDun" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/store_horseDun.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
            <rideable filename="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/horse/horse.xml" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="500" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="400" />
                <key ageMonth="36" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="60" value="5000" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="300" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="80" />
                <water><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="10" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="50" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="50" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="400" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="20" />
                    <key ageMonth="18" value="200" />

    <animal type="CHICKEN" statsBreeding="breedChickenCount" clusterClass="AnimalCluster">

        <subType subType="CHICKEN" fillTypeName="CHICKEN" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalChicken" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/chicken/store_chickenHen.png" canBeBought="true">
                <visual minAge="6" visualAnimalIndex="1" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalChicken" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/chicken/store_chickenHen.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction minAgeMonth="6" durationMonth="2" minHealthFactor="0.75" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="25" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="1" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="5" />
                <straw><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <food><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <manure><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0"  value="5" />
                <pallets><!-- liters per day based on age -->
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="0" />
                    <key ageMonth="6" value="10" />
        <subType subType="CHICKEN_ROOSTER" fillTypeName="CHICKEN_ROOSTER" >
                <visual minAge="0" visualAnimalIndex="2" name="$l10n_shopItem_animalChickenRooster" image="$dataS/character/animals/domesticated/chicken/store_chickenRooster.png" canBeBought="true">
            <reproduction supported="false" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="50" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="2" />
                <key ageMonth="6" value="20" />
                <key ageMonth="0" value="1" />
                    <key ageMonth="0" value="5" />
copy paste the whole thing

this file must be saved in the same folder of your chicken coop and you must also put it in the zip of the map that you are going to use.
in the map.xml of that map they should assign in the line

Code: Select all

    <animals filename="maps/animals.xml">
the ubication of the animals.xml in the zip

The manure level in the barn may not be visible in the animal menu, but it does appear when you walk into the barn in the bottom corner of the screen.
the amounts of straw consumption and manure production are 5lts and 5lts per hour in each animal, in the animals.xml these values can be changed.

and that's all i guess

Re: Chicken manure

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:14 pm
by JDMFarms
cool project. I've been toying with the idea of adding manure to the cleanliness. like in real life, you have to take a shovel into the pen and clean out manure. who knows, that may be what's coming in season 2 pass pk4.

Re: Chicken manure

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:58 pm
by jitrief
and I was able to do it, it would be great if they added the need to spread straw and produce manure in the chicken coops


Re: Chicken manure

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:20 pm
by Ioshva
Yes water to also. How you is make that water work? I trying to add water to every coops but he not working. Did you add this water to coop?