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PC version Steam vs Giants

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:04 pm
by Helazak
I have read on the forum that there are advantages to getting FS22 via steam vs direct download from Giants.
Well I didnt read that until after I bought my version.

I was wondering if there is a way to convert from one to another. Probably not.

But alternatively, are the benefits worth bitting the bullet and repurchasing the game on steam?

Would appreciate your thoughts.

Re: PC version Steam vs Giants

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:20 pm
by JensChrDK
I would say no - I have never had any of the problems that everyone's talking about. I played FS13 on PS3, FS15 and FS17 on pc through Steam, and FS19 and FS22 on pc bought from Giants - and have never had to "delete and re-install" as I have read multiple times in here.

So from my point of view; no need to buy the game again through Steam, especially if you don't encounter any problems?

Re: PC version Steam vs Giants

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:11 am
by UncleRico
The delete and reinstall issues 99% of the time is caused by Onedrive. Just search Onedrive here on the forum and you’ll see pages of mentions of it causing problems. I’m pretty certain people tend to not update their pc and it does strange things to files in Onedrive. That’s only my opinion from seeing people report issues and solutions here for a while. As for steam vs giants. The only advantage is steam you can turn off updates and giants does automatic updates. It use to not be this way and that’s why I bought from giants. With the game likely reaching its final updates soon I’m not sure it would be worth rebuying the game.

Re: PC version Steam vs Giants

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:06 pm
by Drmattymd
I think people tend to jump to "delete and reinstall" all too unnecessarily and many times it doesn't solve the problem. Personally, I've been playing the game since the first console version and on PC beginning with FS17 and have never once had to do a reinstall.