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Problems with thrustmaster t248 wheel

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:21 am
by Darius71890
I’m looking for some help with my wheel. I purchased a thrustmaster t248 but I’m having some issues with the mapping with I have the wheel connected. All the controls on the help menu show as play station when I have the wheel connected when I actually have a Xbox version wheel. It makes it confusing trying to figure out which button is which since the symbols don’t match up.

I also have a problem trying to fill anything up or refuel. I don’t get the option to fill at all when I have the wheel connected so I have to easy dev it in. Even if I try running with the controller I still don’t get the option. If I restart with the wheel disconnected I can fill stuff again.

Also my lsb and rsb don’t show any options in the help menu, it’s like it doesn’t show those options at all when you press them.

I think some of my issues would be solved if I could get the Xbox controller to be the first one in line but it puts the wheel first every time. I think theirs some thing with the firmware on the wheel that isn’t inputting the key binds right or something like that. Does anyone have any tips one how I could get this working a little better?

Re: Problems with thrustmaster t248 wheel

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:38 pm
by Darius71890
Connecting it directly to the computer rather then powered solved the PlayStation button problem but the help menu still isn’t working right with the wheel. It shows as an example plain y to unload bales when it should be lsb+y. When I disconnect the wheel and only use Xbox controller everything shows as it should with the right button combination on help menu