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Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:56 pm
by farmer_bell
Sorry for bringing this up again, but it is still annoying me.
I cannot get use to the wheels not turning at the correct speed.

I apologise for the large post, but I just feel the need to vent. I know it will not make a blind bit of difference to anything.

I cannot properly articulate how this change has affected me. I have gone from loving this game to absolutely hating it.
I agree, this is a bit extreme for the sake of wheels turning, but I have tried since the patch to ignore the issue and to accept it, but I just cant.
I am someone who gets his enjoyment from seeing the vehicles working. I am the same in real life, I love watching machines at work.

I would like to ask specifically Stegei or Giants if there are any plans to revert this horrible effect.

I realise that the original change was to correct an error that was not actually there. The stroboscopic effect of wheels moving at certain speeds do indeed make the tire appear as if it is standing still or rotating backwards. However, as Stegei says, he prefers this new look to that of the original, which causes me some concern, as this error may never be fixed.

I know I am but one person, and going by the lack of other comments on this, I am assuming it is not a big deal to others. However. I drive almost exclusively with the outside view and 90% of the time, the camera is to one side of the vehicle, so I do see the wheels all the time.
It is very noticeable to me, even more so if you are towing a trailer with smaller wheels, as now it looks like the wheels are seizing up and the tractor is dragging the trailer about the place. Its not just trailer wheels, it seems the effect is on anything that rotates at speed, so even when using some disc harrows, the rear roller is turning much slower than the tractor is traveling, so it just looks wrong.

I have tried to live with it and cope with it since the patch, but I just cant. It has completely spoiled my enjoyment of the game. On the plus side, I have now spent more time in my other games and unfortunately, FS is slowly getting relegated to something that just wont get played, which I hate, as I love the game.
Tonight I finally gave up and I have reverted my game back to and my wheels are working perfectly again. I am so happy, its positively sad how something so small can make a grown man be happy. However, going forward, this means I will not be able to use any of the new content, as if I patch the game to allow for a new DLC, then the horrible wheels will return. So now I am faced with the fact that I will not get any further use of my Season Pass, as I will not go back to those horrible wheels, even if it means loosing out on any future DLC, which is a shame.

So, Is there any hope of Giants patching the issue and returning the wheels to their correct speed? Or are we doomed to always have wheels that turn too slow?
Are any modders out there working on a mod to restore the wheel speed?

Well, thanks for listening to my rant, I am sorry it was so long!

Re: Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:29 pm
by Gugernoot215
The wagon wheel effect didn't really bother me as I am looking at a rotating object through a video screen, it is expected.

Re: Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:17 pm
by farmer_bell
I always liked the wagon wheel effect. It was not perfect, but at least it gave the illusion of the wheels and tires turning at the correct speed.
With the way it is now, it looks horrible, as the wheels are barely turning, so I personally feel that it looks way worse than it used to.
As you say, it is a video game and I am not expecting real life, but I do expect a close approximation.
It does come down to personal preference, and I prefer the original wheels and tires to the new "Slower" ones introduced in the patch.
The issue was less noticeable using a slower tractor and a trailer with big wheels, as I dont think it was hitting the hard coded speed limit, but if you used one of the fast tractors and an implement with small wheels, it honestly looks like the tractor is dragging the implement around and the wheels have jammed up.

I have gone back to the version of the game and the wheels are back to normal.
I would love to see Giants change this, but I realise that is very unlikely, which is unfortunate.
I probably am making too much of a big deal about this, but for me, it has spoiled a game I play a lot of.

Re: Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:06 am
by mikejl46
I though I notice something weird with the wheels spinning, like they were spinning slower than the should be.

Re: Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:10 am
by Earnest Pea
farmer_bell wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:56 pm Sorry for bringing this up again, but it is still annoying me.
I cannot get use to the wheels not turning at the correct speed.
I fully agree with you. Maybe not quite as intensely, but I'm here show my support for this idea.

Before the patch, the simulation was reasonably good. As I've said before, having grown up on a farm, I've got plenty of experience with how these things look in real life. Wheel do indeed appear to stand still, or even spin backwards as the tractor changes speed. It has nothing to do with viewing throught a camera or a screen.

The new version actually looks less realistic. At the very least they could give us a toggle to return it to the more realistic version.

Re: Wheel bug after last patch

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:49 am
by mydixiewrecked
I have no way to confirm on an old version, but wasn't wagon wheel effect in 17 and 19? And either way, why change what everyone is used to and fine with at the end of 22s life?