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Crazy low FPS on Xbox series S

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:03 pm
by 66Shane
After the new update I have launched my saved game on my Xbox series S to find the graphics being very low and a little shaky (as I expected it to be after the update). After playing for about a half hour the graphics came back to normal but now I can’t even play at all due to the FPS dropping so low.

I had a lot of trees cut down prior to the update happened and I assume this is a big reason as to why it is lagging so bad but it is to a point I can’t even get to the trees to process them.

Is there any suggestions to be able to make the game playable again?

P.S. any other map that I open plays just fine but any other map that I have is either brand new or only played on to test a mod and then left the map. My current map has 500+ hours on it from over the years and I would hate to loose it all due to an update!