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Best silage yield

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 1:07 pm
by Visom
New guy, still learning. Looking into silage for making money (mostly) and it seems there are two schools: corn or grass. I started with grass and now I'm looking into corn. Yes, a slightly lesser yield per year (with seasons) but less time spent mowing etc.

However, wouldn't a combination give the best yield (with seasons)?
April: Silage last years grass, plant corn
September: Forage corn, plant grass
November: Mow grass, roll it for next period

Also, regarding mowing the grass after 2 or 3 months... Is that based on old tests? As I see it I can choose between
3 mows with fullgrown grass per year or
1 mow with fullgrown grass and 3 with 2 months grass (stage 3/3)