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- Posts: 299
- Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:44 am
Is there any benefit visually or otherwise playing my PS4 copy of the game on a PS5? I'm keeping the 4 either way. Didn't know of the 5 would have less stutter when I have alot of vehicles/implements/bales in close proximity.
- Posts: 475
- Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:44 am
Re: PS5
Big step up from the PS4. The game will run the same as if you had the PS5 version. I still play my PS4 games through my PS5 for this reason. My machine just collects dust now.
Re: PS5
- More Slots
- Has an option to turn on beacon lights
- Better graphics and better draw distance for trees
Greetings, from Central Texas!
Waiting for an Alma update. Playing Fernbus Simulator for now. PS5
Alma, Missouri: 152 Hours (Will be restarting soon.)
Griffin, Indiana 22: 103 Hours
Ohio Richlands: 87 Hours
Edgewater, SK: 79 Hours
Elmcreek: 32 Hours
Big Flats, Texas: 43 Hours
Waiting for an Alma update. Playing Fernbus Simulator for now. PS5
Alma, Missouri: 152 Hours (Will be restarting soon.)
Griffin, Indiana 22: 103 Hours
Ohio Richlands: 87 Hours
Edgewater, SK: 79 Hours
Elmcreek: 32 Hours
Big Flats, Texas: 43 Hours
3 posts
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