FS25 Likes and Dislikes

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FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by farmer_bell »

I know we have several topics on FS 25, but I thought maybe a simple thread where we can highlight the positives and negatives in the game now that we have access to it and most have played it.
Also I wanted somewhere I could list my positives and negatives :biggrin2:
I am on PC. I like FS25 overall, but I am still playing FS22 as well at the moment.


AI helper is good, not perfect, but a big improvement over FS22.
AI traffic now overtake.
Addition of bale consumable items.
You can finally strap front loader tools to a flatbed (This is a personal major favourite!)
Ground deformation is good. I was very worried that it was going to be overdone, but it actually works well. (As long as you dont look at the yard when the tires randomly sink in concrete becasue of a bit of mud)
Animal pens and offspring.
New sounds are brilliant.
I like the new maps, though I have not played the Asian one much yet.
water displacement when walking to driving through water.
Streams and rivers, they look great.

I hate the new menu layout and the new shop layout. I find them confusing and more reminiscent of a kids game. Overly cartoony for me.
Game is stuttery, even on my 4080. (Though hopefully this will be sorted)
Do not like the vehicle roster, too much big equipment, not enough smaller gear. It feels like half my machinery is missing. This will get fixed over time, but it is a negative for me at the moment.
Currently really dislike the straw swaths, they look exceptionally anemic. They are also very pointy in certain directions. It seems if you go North/South they are more rounded, but go East/West, you get pointy ones. They are too narrow and too low. I do however, like the tracks over the swaths.
Last edited by farmer_bell on Tue Nov 12, 2024 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by SiriusBlack99 »

I also don't like the new menu system. It is overly complicated and clunky and a big step back from FS22. The number of times I have nearly accidentally returned or reset equipment.

The HUD display also looks strange now. It has an arcade style feel to it.

The AI is better but there should be an option for the FS22 style worker, up and down fields. You could have multiple workers on the same plot in FS22 but that is impossible now. You could have a worker liming, another worker seeding and another worker rolling. Bit of a step back.

On a positive note, the sounds are fantastic. They have done a great job capturing the real sounds of the equipment and environment.

The graphics are a reasonable step up from FS22.
Last edited by SiriusBlack99 on Tue Nov 12, 2024 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by hun3 »

I ve been playing for a few hours on the US map here are my few observations:

- Vehicles don't dry after time passed? After washing or rain.
- I was watching AI vehicles they move very rugged not smooth turns at corners.
- My combine while harvesting constantly gets stuck on something.
- Clouds look terrible no change from 22 same as rain.
- Walking around is really weird I liked 22 version better.
- AI people walk animation needs improvements.
- I cant find my garage meaning the tab when you press P. Was it removed?
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Samisdad »

Still trouble with workers...I'd rather not have them miss half the middle of the field when doing headlands. Also how many circles are in the field to reposition themselves when they are right there!! Lastly...I can't pick up the stop sign in my field.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Luftkopf »

After five hours playing it on my MacBook Pro, I have few negatives. It runs better than 22, with no stutters, and I'm loving all the new details. The magic circle is further diminished, and it all looks great.

I still need to get used to the new menus, but that will come with time. I haven't counted them, but it feels like there are fewer tractors. It could be the different way they're presented in the interface making it look that way, or the fact that there are only 2 Claas tractors, which were what I mostly used in 22. I look forward to getting more later!
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by IceUul »

After 5-6 hours in game...

What I like:
1. Improved graphics - compared to FS19 and FS22 and these two titles look much more similar than
FS25, I messed with HDR settings a lot and finally the game has nice lighting. 4k and all settings maxed out @
60fps looks much better than previous games.
2. Maps - two new maps, Asian and USA maps are the best maps Giants have made ever. They look
so real and I just love design of them. Finally getting the feel I got from FS17.
3. Distant objects are fixed (except clouds). Night sky, moon, distant trees and objects finally look
very good.
4. Ground deformation is very nice, except not on gravel.
5. Nice selection of new machinery, mostly I love cars and trucks section.
6. New menu system and UI looks much more better than the mess in previous titles. I got used with it much faster!
7. 3rd person view is a game changer for me. Machinery and buildings look much more bigger.
8. Weather effects like water reflections and mist are really nice, nature looks vibrant and real now.

What I do not like:
1. Building shaders problem - causes stuttering and It take a long time to go away. No notice when it is done and in progress!
2. FPS is two times more bad than on FS22, when in FS22 I get around 110-140fps, then here 55-70 fps. Really needs a optimizations
on this, even with 4k and maxed out setting my GPU usage is around 50%. Game puts too much usage on CPU core number 2, always 100%. Now at least some of the load goes to other cores too, so I noticed around 6-8 cores are used, but this game really needs better workload optimization on this, things are getting more bad in future with lot of mods and objects on map.
3. Bugs everywhere! What mostly get fixed according to my experience. There are lot of smaller bugs in game at the moment.
4. Lot of the graphical and game issues still not fixed since FS19.
5. Still need for courseplay mod, new helpers are not so good as expected.
6. Lot of machinery missing, machine roster is very thin at the moment.
7. Machinery has wierd jumpy suspension, very annoying.
8. NPC-s on the maps are bad, cannot turn them off.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Burekcina »

1. Improved graphics - It is practically the same with fog.
2. Maps - they don't come near to mod maps. I never play on Giants maps because they just *censored*, made for kids.
3. Distant objects are fixed. - Not really, still get the ring for foliage, objects still flicker in distance.
4. Ground deformation is very nice, except not on gravel. - Needs a lot of optimisation, fixes, realism changes.
5. Nice selection of new machinery, mostly I love cars and trucks section. - What new machinery? It's way less than FS22!!
6. New menu system and UI looks much more better than the mess in previous titles. I got used with it much faster! - It looks like a mobile game.
7. 3rd person view is a game changer for me. Machinery and buildings look much more bigger. - If it were done propely, everything has lag this time around and walking around is just a mess.
8. Weather effects like water reflections and mist are really nice, nature looks vibrant and real now. - What weather effects? They promised a ton but everything is the same as in FS22 and previous games. No rain effects, no snow effects, no nothing!!!!
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by IceUul »

Burekcina wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:42 am "another rant post"
You could not really come up with something better, than take my personal opinion about the game and then writing exactly the opposite?
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Nishma Agri Mods »

uninstall button


i will come back in 6 months when the game is closer to been finished
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by FBtheSQL »

To these people:
- "Do not like the vehicle roster, too much big equipment, not enough smaller gear. It feels like half my machinery is missing. This will get fixed over time, but it is a negative for me at the moment."
- "I haven't counted them, but it feels like there are fewer tractors."
- "Lot of machinery missing, machine roster is very thin at the moment."

You can thank the players who buy DLC and consider it different than the free mods.
Why put all the equipment in the base game when you can hold it back and sell it as DLC/season pass/special edition
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Urinal2001 »

IceUul wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:01 am
Burekcina wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:42 am "another rant post"
You could not really come up with something better, than take my personal opinion about the game and then writing exactly the opposite?
You forgot to mention that it was another rant post that blamed "kids" for some completely unfathomable reason.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by Arrancar88 »

I have been playing only on Asian map so far, so here are few things :
- Graphics are too colorful and feel kinda cartoonish, but overall they look fine.
- Walking/Running around in first person feels really weird, like some invisible force is trying to push me to the left or something lol. 3rd person is fine.
- Owned vehicles/leased vehicles used to be very simple.
- Can't get rid of flickering no matter what, you can only lower it. This will be hopefully fixed.
- Worker works great when you choose headlands, if you choose other option, worker will still miss headlands(won't harvest it for example) and might go crazy.
- Ai traffic can overtake you and it makes everything to feel much more alive. Same with NPC characters. Although they yap too much, especially Noah lol.
- When you walk around temple(gravel, bridge) it makes noises like you are in water. Also can't pick up collectible, but I guess that is only if you will finish temple.
- So far I didn't notice any animals. But gotta says crows spawning in front of you all the time was annoying, but deers spawning in air/at top of the trees was funny.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by IceUul »

Arrancar88 wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:48 am - Can't get rid of flickering no matter what, you can only lower it. This will be hopefully fixed.
Latest nvidia drivers fixed all the flickering problems on me.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by player1s »

I'm overall happy with the game. Have not run into major bugs yet. Game needs some fixes however

Weirdly 2 of my biggest disappointments is that

1: GPS is default on all vehicles and not an option you have to select. I' love the GPS but its not default on most tractors

2: For the new crops there is no cheaper harvester making it an end-game crop if you play realistically.
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Re: FS25 Likes and Dislikes

Post by norfolk farmer »

IceUul wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 10:51 am
Arrancar88 wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:48 am - Can't get rid of flickering no matter what, you can only lower it. This will be hopefully fixed.
Latest nvidia drivers fixed all the flickering problems on me.
That's good to hear as I'm having the same issue, fingers crossed it solves it for me *thumbsup*
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