Also I wanted somewhere I could list my positives and negatives

I am on PC. I like FS25 overall, but I am still playing FS22 as well at the moment.
AI helper is good, not perfect, but a big improvement over FS22.
AI traffic now overtake.
Addition of bale consumable items.
You can finally strap front loader tools to a flatbed (This is a personal major favourite!)
Ground deformation is good. I was very worried that it was going to be overdone, but it actually works well. (As long as you dont look at the yard when the tires randomly sink in concrete becasue of a bit of mud)
Animal pens and offspring.
New sounds are brilliant.
I like the new maps, though I have not played the Asian one much yet.
water displacement when walking to driving through water.
Streams and rivers, they look great.
I hate the new menu layout and the new shop layout. I find them confusing and more reminiscent of a kids game. Overly cartoony for me.
Game is stuttery, even on my 4080. (Though hopefully this will be sorted)
Do not like the vehicle roster, too much big equipment, not enough smaller gear. It feels like half my machinery is missing. This will get fixed over time, but it is a negative for me at the moment.
Currently really dislike the straw swaths, they look exceptionally anemic. They are also very pointy in certain directions. It seems if you go North/South they are more rounded, but go East/West, you get pointy ones. They are too narrow and too low. I do however, like the tracks over the swaths.