DE: lol LuftKopf = Fülle deinen Kopf mit Luft und fühle dich leicht wie ein Ballon.Luftkopf wrote: ↑Sun Nov 17, 2024 1:10 pmHaving spent a fair few more hours in Zielonka, I’m starting to get a bit over ground deformation. I’m farming on the softest, spongiest soil in the world here! I’m surprised I don’t leave deep footsteps when I’m walking through my yard!Luftkopf wrote: ↑Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:36 am After five hours playing it on my MacBook Pro, I have few negatives. It runs better than 22, with no stutters, and I'm loving all the new details. The magic circle is further diminished, and it all looks great.
I still need to get used to the new menus, but that will come with time. I haven't counted them, but it feels like there are fewer tractors. It could be the different way they're presented in the interface making it look that way, or the fact that there are only 2 Claas tractors, which were what I mostly used in 22. I look forward to getting more later!
I’m greatly looking forward to the return of Precision Farming, and will be on sharp lookout for a nice German map (Geiselsberg, MVP 19, and Irgendwo in Thüringen III have been my favourites so far), but this will do for now.
EN: lol AirHead = Fill your head with air and feel light, like a balloon.
AirHead (LuftKopf), You don't seem to realise the Precision Farming DLC was a cooperative arrangement and not created by Giants alone, they (Giants) were funded by a whole host of European & British agricultural organisations and they (the organisations) probably hold the copyrights to that DLC, the agreement, I believe, was for a two-year deal which helped fund development within Giants.
The Precision Farming DLC was released towards the end of FS19 and covered the start of FS22, those two years have now expired, and I'm sceptical there will ever be another Precision Farming DLC, at least not like it once was, if at all.
There may be a PC-scripted version some modder might make, but I don't ever see a console version unless it can be worked out contractually. Or unless Giants modify their base game through updates to have those features baked into the game itself as a base game function, I think Giants will hold that back and 'make us all sweat and beg' for it, so they can use it to be the base game and a UPS (unique selling point/pitch) in the next release of possibly FS28.