For those that have camera issues

Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:17 am

For those that have camera issues

Post by Telate »

I finally figured out why the hell the camera makes me sick when using mods that people convert. I'm guessing they added an additional part into the camera in order for it to NOT follow the vehicle around. The camera code should look like:

Code: Select all

    <cameras count="2">
        <camera1 index="8|0|0|0" rotatable="true" rotateNode="8|0|0" limit="true" useWorldXZRotation="true" rotMinX="-1.4" rotMaxX="0.05" transMin="7" transMax="50" >
			<raycastNode index="0>8|21"/>
			<raycastNode index="0>8|22"/>
        <camera2 index="8|0|1|0" rotatable="true" rotateNode="8|0|1|0" limit="true" rotMinX="-1.4" rotMaxX="0.6" transMin="1" transMax="10" />
The main part that is always forgotten is useWorldXZRotation="true"