Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

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Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by Fluffypawns »

hi guys i would like to ask is there a MAP available that let you have multiple farms for multiple players on one MAP . The reason i ask this is i am from a gaming community and our member like to play with there friends with some sort of competition against each other. so i was hoping that there is a MAP out there that can be used we know we can share the money we make on one map between each other but having just one Admin user that when you log off all the money you made goes to the admin. If there is no such map we are hoping that giant will see this post and hope that they would look into making this map as it will make the game for FUN and Bring the Competition aspect to the game ,try and make more money then your friends also buying field up so your competition has less fields to use . the applications are endless SO please consider this map if there is not one made At the moment.

Thank you Giant for this Great Game and we hope to see More releases soon

Best Regards {VPG} Fluffypawns
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by leifege640 »

Try this one.

It is from Every mod that gets turned into this site get thoroughly tested, so you shouldn't have any problems in the form of bugs or errors, unless it is the very rare case of a mod conflict.

Have fun! :biggrin2:
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by {VPG}Unbound »

That sounds like a nice map, and I will definately have a look at it.
I'm from the same gaming clan as Fluffypawns, that started this thread. I've played FarmingSim on and off since the 2011 version and just recently when I needed a break from the hardcore war games we play, I jumped into FarmingSim 2013 and created my own channel in our clan's TeamSpeak. I just sat there, happy and content, enjoying the sunrises and sunsets and wishing the crops would hurry up and mature so I could harvest them. So Fluffypawns joined me in TeamSpeak to ask about the game and why I was playing it. After I explained it to him, curiousity got the better of him and he bought the game. So, the clan leader wondered why two members were playing a farming game instead of shooting each other with sniper rifles. Curiousity got the better of him too, and now three us had given up our weapons in favour of tractors.
I had never played multiplayer before and quickly found out how to host a multiplayer game on our respective PC's so the others could come in and join us, and was fun. But it *censored* that if the host shut down the game, no-one else could play that particular farm. I did a bit research and rented a dedicated server that was online 24/7 and all could log in and out as they wished. This was a big success and the fun increased. But then we hit another snag. No two players will have the same strategy as to how the farm should be run, what to spend the money on next. We discussed buying a new harvester but one of the others would rather buy another field. A little more research and I found out we could activate and deactivate different farms, "savegames". So when I had finished harvesting and re-planting my farm, I would save the game, stop the server and activate Fluffypawns farm. Who ever was running the active farms made all the decisions about buying and selling fields equipment etc. This too worked very well, in the beginning, until we hit another snag. In 2 weeks 8 people have bought FarmingSim 2013 and it just wasn't practical to swith the farms all the time. At present I have two dedicated servers to better facilitate farm switching and each player controls their own finances on their individual farms. Our clan has also rented a dedicated server so any member can log in when they wish and see what needs doing. We experience some players saying that they have put in more hours than others and should have the decision about finances. I understand that, but other players just don't have the same opportunity to spend much time in the server because of long working hours, family commitments etc. Whereas multiple players on one map, working collectively is good fun, think of the experience you would have if several players on the same map were in competition, each player in charge of their own finances and decision making? If it were possible to have, for example, 4 or 5 farms on one large map, each with it's own economy, it would be like Monopoly, only with tractors. You'd have to decide whether to upgrade your vehicles or save your money to buy the fields near your friends farm just to annoy them, maybe rent them the land for a small fee? And if the number of livestock in the entire map was limited, say 200 cows, but expensive cows, once they are all sold, there are no more until someone sells some? And if there was a great demand for a certain type of grain or potatoes, every farmer with that grain would rush to the selling point to get the highest price before it drops? Or you could not stockpile any grain, sell regularly to prevent any great demands and keep the prices low if you drove past the other farms and see the one player is only cultivating and stockpiling one type of grain to make a killing? Having the standard field auctions and maybe even vehicle auctions would make for interesting bidding rounds? The tactics would be very challenging and add an entirely new concept to the game.
We have searched for mod farms and even found on that claimed to have 3 separate economies, but it didn't work.
If any experienced modders read this, do you know if it would be possible to create a map with separate economies and farms? Does anyone know if Giants have ever looked into this and maybe thought about adding this option in a future release? As I mentioned, 8 members from our clan have bought this game in the last 2 weeks and I could easily persuade to buy it too. But we just don't have the server capacity to cater for more players than we have at present. Four, five or even six separate farms on one giant map would cater for more players and I don't think the clan would hesitate to rent as many servers as needed to accomodate all the players that wished to play.
I know this was very long, sorry. I just get carried away when I think of the possibilities here. And if any modder could create a working map as described, I'd be willing to donate handsomely for the work involved, if I couldn't get the clan to make a larger donation? :biggrin2:
Has anyone ever found a modded map that allows for this type of gameplay?
Thank you for any tips or info,
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by leifege640 »

Well, Amber final (the map that is attached to the link) was designed for multiple players that wanted to be somewhat independent of each other. However, the financial and purchasing power is still going to be with the host of the map.

What you could do, is split up the players into groups and send them to the different farms which in turn they are responsible for, as well as any equipment that is attached to that farm. If one farm has requested a machine, the money gets transferred to the host, the host purchases the machine, and the machine is transported to the farm that requested the machine. Likewise with the purchase of a new field, transfer the money the host, the host goes out to the field and completes the purchase. Now, I must warn you ahead of time, I believe there are only on of each animal type on the map, so there maybe some conflict as to who gets what. Maybe there should be some co-op in the livestock business(es), but the arable enterprises are separate. These are just a couple of ideas.

To the rest of the forum members: Now is there a way to edit the XML somewhere to allow the players access to purchasing a new piece of equipment and/or hang on to their own money?
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by {VPG}Unbound »

Thank you for the info. Have downloaded the map now and am excited to try it! It will be interesting if others come with comments about the possibilities for seperate economical/financial accounts? :biggrin2:
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by stutart »

we started playing the Amber map last night, the simplest solution to your finance question, would be to have the farm 'managers' log in as admin. This then enables those in charge to sell / buy whatever they need.

Granted, doing it that way doesn't give you an individual account, but much short of getting the administrator to transfer over every penny you make when you make it, i'm not sure there is another option ?! (yet)
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by {VPG}Unbound »

How are you finding the Amber map? I still haven't started it yet, we Euro guys are still in battle with our colleagues in USA/Canada, running 2 servers in 2 continents while we find a solution to how we can compete on just one map. But thank you for your idea, although I don't think it will work for our purposes as of yet (don't want the Americans getting their grubby mitts on our hard earned money and don't want to let them see our tactics :wink3:)
If I ever find a way to host a "competition" on one map with different teams I'll post here. I'll try your suggestion soon and see if I can't find a way to document who has earned how much, and who has spent how much.
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by stutart »

well we're only playing it on normal mode, we both work (odd shifts too) so i'm on from about 6pm (uk time) and my bro arrives online anywhere from 9pm onwards. we're getting 3 crops in per night at the moment. We obviously play it differently to your intended purpose - my bro and i manage the fields (we have 4 atm) and his wife deals with the live stock side of things - well, she will once we have the finances to start them ! money making is quite slow to start with and we're only running vehicle enhancement mods or placeables (higher cap trailers, sheds etc - which we don't even need yet !!)

It really is a glorious map though - a run to the mill / inn or where ever takes you to the far side of the map from the starting point and the layout, although a little bland, is actually quite well thought out. some nice details in there too !

We too would be quite interested in a 'competition' map, where each team has their own account etc so would be very interested if you find one, or if anyone creates one !!

Good luck & happy farming =)
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Re: Multiple Farms for Multiple players on 1 map

Post by dajnet »

Our map is scheduled to be released by the weekend and is designed for multiplayer with 6 huge farms. here is the trailer
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