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How to play the same load both on iOS and android?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:15 am
by vinefs14
Hello guys, this is my first topic, I've tried to find the information on the forum but seems like no one asked that, which make me fear the impossibility of what I want...

So, when I play the game on iOS I log on gamecenter. When I play on android, I log into gamecircle.

They both let me save on the cloud, but they're different clouds and I can't play the same saved state from one to another, which is very frustrating.

I can play multiplayer in both devices using any load perfectly, but you can't save the game on the guest device, which makes all more annoying.

Can someone please explain to me how to make my app in iOS to use my gamecircle cloud or the other way around, or another completely different way to make that work... Or at least confirme to me that's not possible? :frown:

Thanks a lot

Re: How to play the same load both on iOS and android?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:41 pm
by De_Stoffel
The same goes for me. Is there a possibility to use a saved game on both my iOS device and Android device?
