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Keyboard question

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:40 pm
by mrnascar
Not sure where to post this, but I'll try here,,,,After months of dithering, I finally got a new laptop, a DELL Inspiron 17.

Runs the game great on high settings, even on my ridiculously crowded personal map.

My question though is: How Do I Access the alternate characters on the number keys?? As well as the numbers there are three other characters, one of which I can access with the shift key, but I cannot figure out how to get at the other two. Likewise, the F1 to F12 keys have other functions. and I haven't found an easy way to switch between those, other than going into thr Control Panel.

I tried going to DELL's online support, but it's a nightmare to navigate,,, you'd almost think they didn't want to help....

If anyone has a Dell laptop, and can help me out it would be much appreciated!

Sift function number keys on Dell keyboards

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:02 pm
by farmdog4444
Hi, with some Dell keyboards the second key in on the bottom row is a blue "fn" key. This key shifts all of the other keys with blue text on them, like screen brightness etc. I believe this includes the 9 'number pad' keys in the center right of the alphabet keys. Check it out and let me know please if this helped. I have a bunch of Dells. This 'forum' *censored* BTW, no answers to questions posted or not many. The 'help' for this sim is nearly non existent????? or am I wrong?