Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:43 pm

Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by OctaviaRS »

Servus leute ich weiss ihr hab es schon x-mal gehört aber ich weiss einfach nicht mehr weiter habe denn treiber meiner grafikkarte neu instaliert und mein windows 10 auch upgedated aber ich bekomm es nicht auf die reihe das es wieder läuft!!!!!
Brauche eure hilfe
Danke schon mal!!
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Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:51 am
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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by Der_Tod »

Willkommen im Forum. Um Dir helfen zu können, werden noch ein paar Informationen benötigt. Poste Deine log.txt. Wie das geht, ist hier erklärt: viewtopic.php?p=682409#p682409

Wenn der Tod kommt, ist Sense.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:43 pm

Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by OctaviaRS »

GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 64bit (Build Date: Jan 14 2016)
Copyright (c) 2008-2015, GIANTS Software GmbH (giants-software.com), All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2015
Main System
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 8128 MB
OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.4
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick disabled
Force Feedback disabled
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Max. sources: 256
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 368.81
Shader Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
max_texture_layers: 16
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: High (auto)
View Distance Factor: 1.100000
Shadow Quality: 1.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 1.100000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.500000
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.400000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.850000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 2.000000
Farming Simulator 15
Version: 1.4.2RC1
Available Languages: de
Language: de
Game vehicle types loaded
Mod directory: C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
Load mod: AAA_UniversalProcessKit
Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
Load mod: BauerPumpfassP125Tandem
Load mod: BrantnerE8041
Warning: Missing l10n for button VARIABLEBODY_change in BrantnerE8041
Load mod: Claas_Max_Cut_FraBel_Ls_FS15
Load mod: CMC_Gewichte
Load mod: CT_JCB_536_Teleskoplader_FS15
Load mod: DeleteFog
Load mod: DeutzAgrostar471
Error: Invalid mod name 'deutzAgroStar631and661V1_0 (1)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit
Load mod: deutzAgroStar638
Load mod: deutzDrummaster432F_BETA
Load mod: deutzDrummaster493_BETA
Load mod: DeutzFahr120MK3_Washable
Load mod: Deutz_Fixmaster235
Load mod: DichteresGras
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//DichteresGras/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod DichteresGras
Load mod: Evers_Package
Load mod: Fendt927Vario_Wash
Load mod: FillTypeMassAdjustment
Load mod: FortunaFTM200_6_0
Load mod: Fortuna_FTM_8
Load mod: FS15_BaleCounter
Load mod: FS15_Ballengabel
Load mod: FS15_farmtechDurus2000
Load mod: FS15_FarmtechTDK900
Load mod: FS15_Fendt936Vario_Blunk_V1
Load mod: FS15_flieglDPW180
Load mod: FS15_flieglTDK160
Load mod: FS15_HilkenHI2250SMK_pack_MW_mailman
Load mod: FS15_KroneBigPack1290_SP77_2
Load mod: FS15_KroneComprimaV180_SP77_2
Load mod: FS15_kuhnGF8702
Load mod: FS15_kuhnMowerPack
Load mod: FS15_newHollandLoaderPack
Load mod: FS15_placeableSheds_MW_mailman
Load mod: FS15_RauchMDS191_pawlo101299
Load mod: GearboxAddon_JD6410
Load mod: Godet_cereales_beiser
Load mod: GuelleMistMod
Load mod: Hanomag55D
Load mod: HauerSchaufelMistgabel
Load mod: Hauer_FL_Steyr8090
Warning: Missing l10n for axis AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM1 in Hauer_FL_Steyr8090
Warning: Missing l10n for axis AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL1 in Hauer_FL_Steyr8090
Load mod: Hauer_Tools_Steyr8090
Load mod: jcbfast
Load mod: JCBFastrac_V3
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'fauteuil_passager' in mod 'JCBFastrac_V3'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'accoudoire' in mod 'JCBFastrac_V3'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'menu' in mod 'JCBFastrac_V3'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'roue_etroite' in mod 'JCBFastrac_V3'
Warning: Missing l10n for button roue_etroite in JCBFastrac_V3
Load mod: kempf_chiefmaster_for_LS15
Load mod: Kroeger_Agroliner_SMK_34
Load mod: KroneKWT11x22
Load mod: KroneUltimaCF155XC
Load mod: KRONE_BIGX_580
Load mod: Kuhn
Load mod: Kuhn_Profile_Pack
Load mod: LamborghiniNitro120VRT
Load mod: LamborghiniR2_90
Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtHinten in LamborghiniR2_90
Warning: Missing l10n for button ArbeitslichtVorne in LamborghiniR2_90
Load mod: LamborghiniR6_160__1_
Load mod: Landwehrkanal_SoilMod_LS15
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Landwehrkanal_SoilMod_LS15/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Landwehrkanal_SoilMod_LS15
Load mod: LemkenHeliodor
Load mod: Light_Addon
Load mod: LindnerGeotrac84epPro
Load mod: LS15_CasePuma165CVX_v1_4
Load mod: LS15_CasePumacvx240_Black_v1_2
Load mod: LS15_CasePumacvx240_Twins
Load mod: LS15_KroneTX460D_TX560D_V2_LOW
Load mod: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_1
Load mod: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_CaseIH_1
Load mod: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_CaseIH_Black_1
Load mod: MapDoorTrigger
Warning: Missing l10n for button SWITCH_DOOR_STATE in MapDoorTrigger
Load mod: MBtrac1000Frontloader
Load mod: MBtrac1100
Load mod: MBtrac900
Load mod: MengeleGarant5402
Load mod: MerloP417TurbofarmerV3
Load mod: MoneyModLS15
Load mod: Muething_Mulcher_Universal_v1
Load mod: Murnau
Load mod: NH_t4_V1
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'retro_G' in mod 'NH_t4_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'retro_D' in mod 'NH_t4_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'fender' in mod 'NH_t4_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'volant' in mod 'NH_t4_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'cabine' in mod 'NH_t4_V1'
Warning: Missing l10n for button cabine in NH_t4_V1
Warning: Missing l10n for button fender in NH_t4_V1
Load mod: NH_t6160_V1
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'fender' in mod 'NH_t6160_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'FrontArmTop' in mod 'NH_t6160_V1'
Warning: Missing l10n for button FrontArmTop in NH_t6160_V1
Load mod: NH_t7210_V1
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'fender' in mod 'NH_t7210_V1'
Warning: No l10n text found for entry 'FrontArmTop' in mod 'NH_t7210_V1'
Load mod: NH_Weight
Load mod: noGloss
Load mod: OEB_realTerrain
Load mod: OekoPlusRGB_Double
Load mod: PlaceableHeaps
Load mod: placeable_seedPallets_LS15
Load mod: Quicke640_MP_Lift_YK2
Load mod: ReckSilageSpreaderMagna
Load mod: SaMASZ_Z410
Load mod: SameDorado3_90
Load mod: SameFortis190
Load mod: SauterEquipment
Warning: Missing l10n for button RAILATTACHMENT_LOWATTACHER in SauterEquipment
Load mod: Schwarzmueller_TiefladerV1_5
Load mod: SelfmadeConcreteWeights
Load mod: Siloking_DA2300
Load mod: Silowalze
Load mod: SoilManagement
Load mod: Stappenbach_SOILMOD
Load mod: Steyr8070a_SK2
Load mod: Steyr8080Turbo_SK1_2WD
Load mod: Steyr8090aTurbo_SK2_Laermarm
Load mod: Steyr8110aTurbo_SK2_Elektronic
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod Steyr8110aTurbo_SK2_Elektronic
Load mod: SteyrCVT6230
Load mod: SteyrKompakt4095
Warning: Missing l10n for button RUL in SteyrKompakt4095
Load mod: SteyrMulti4115
Load mod: SteyrProfi4130CVT
Load mod: Stoll_Dreipunkt_Paltettengabel
Load mod: StrautmannTeraVitesse4601
Load mod: StrautmannVS2004
Load mod: ST_HuerliamnnH488
Load mod: ST_KroneTurbo3500
Load mod: ST_Same_Explorer_90
Load mod: Super1500TVLSpecial_byThomas0815
Load mod: TancoAutowrap1510EH
Load mod: Tankstation
Load mod: Tenias_Telehandler_Balefork
Warning: Missing l10n for button kralle vorne in Tenias_Telehandler_Balefork
Warning: Missing l10n for button kralle hinten in Tenias_Telehandler_Balefork
Load mod: Tenias_Tractor_Balefork
Load mod: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_LS15
Load mod: UnimogU1200_U1600
Load mod: vd_Balefork_attacher
Load mod: VeenhuisW400
Load mod: ViliceZaOkrogleBale
Load mod: WaterMilkZunhammer
Load mod: WeidemannTools
Load mod: Weidemann_4270_CX100T
Load mod: Wiesenschleppe_v5
Load mod: Zetor_Forterra_pack
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Zetor_Forterra_pack/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Zetor_Forterra_pack
Load mod: zunhammer28750PE
Load mod: Zunhammer_TS10000KE
Load mod: zzStopBuyStuff
Load mod: ZZZ_baleExtension
Load mod: ZZZ_BeaconLights
Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
Load mod: ZZZ_FuelAdjust
Load mod: ZZZ_GuelleMistMod
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruit
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_OGF_USA
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard
Load mod: ZZZ_multiSprayer
Load mod: zzz_setBackLinkageUp
Load mod: zzz_SpeedControl
Load mod: ZZZ_TimeFastForward
Register vehicle type: BrantnerE8041.brantnerE8040B
Register vehicle type: CT_JCB_536_Teleskoplader_FS15.Claas7044
Register vehicle type: DeutzAgrostar471.DeutzAgrostar471MrFox
Register vehicle type: deutzAgroStar638.AgroStar_HardPoint
Register vehicle type: deutzDrummaster432F_BETA.kuhnPZ280F
Register vehicle type: deutzDrummaster493_BETA.kuhnPZ960
Register vehicle type: DeutzFahr120MK3_Washable.mk3
Register vehicle type: Evers_Package.Bali
Register vehicle type: Evers_Package.Welsh
Register vehicle type: Evers_Package.Anglo
Register vehicle type: Fendt927Vario_Wash.Fendt927Vario
Register vehicle type: Fendt927Vario_Wash.fendtWeight
Register vehicle type: FortunaFTM200_6_0.FortunaFTM200
Register vehicle type: Fortuna_FTM_8.FortunaFTM300
Register vehicle type: FS15_FarmtechTDK900.farmtechTDK900
Register vehicle type: FS15_Fendt936Vario_Blunk_V1.Fendt936VarioBlunk
Register vehicle type: FS15_Fendt936Vario_Blunk_V1.fendtWeight
Register vehicle type: FS15_flieglDPW180.Fliegl_DPW_180_MW_Edition
Register vehicle type: FS15_flieglDPW180.Fliegl_DPW_150_MW_Edition
Register vehicle type: FS15_HilkenHI2250SMK_pack_MW_mailman.Hilken_Muldenkipper
Register vehicle type: FS15_KroneBigPack1290_SP77_2.kroneBigPack1290
Register vehicle type: FS15_KroneComprimaV180_SP77_2.kroneComprimaV180
Register vehicle type: Hanomag55D.Hanomag55D
Register vehicle type: Hauer_FL_Steyr8090.HauerFL
Register vehicle type: Hauer_Tools_Steyr8090.HydracAnimated
Register vehicle type: Hauer_Tools_Steyr8090.HydracFork
Register vehicle type: jcbfast.JCB3220
Register vehicle type: JCBFastrac_V3.JCBFastrac3220
Register vehicle type: Kroeger_Agroliner_SMK_34.smk34
Register vehicle type: KroneKWT11x22.KroneKWT11x22
Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
Register vehicle type: KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
Register vehicle type: KRONE_BIGX_580.krone
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
Warning: missing category value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(1)
Register vehicle type: LamborghiniNitro120VRT.LamborghiniNitro120
Register vehicle type: LamborghiniR2_90.R2
Register vehicle type: LamborghiniR6_160__1_.lambo6
Register vehicle type: LindnerGeotrac84epPro.Geo
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePuma165CVX_v1_4.Case_Puma165
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePumacvx240_Black_v1_2.Case_Puma240
Register vehicle type: LS15_CasePumacvx240_Twins.BuyableTwinWheels
Register vehicle type: LS15_KroneTX460D_TX560D_V2_LOW.KroneTX
Register vehicle type: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_1.attachableFrontloader
Register vehicle type: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_CaseIH_1.attachableFrontloader
Register vehicle type: LS15_Stoll_ProfiLine_FZ80_CaseIH_Black_1.attachableFrontloader
Register vehicle type: MBtrac1000Frontloader.mbTrac
Register vehicle type: MBtrac1100.mbTrac
Register vehicle type: MBtrac900.mbTrac
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.MengeleGarant5402
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.SilageAdditivesTank
Register vehicle type: MengeleGarant5402.BuyableBlades
Register vehicle type: MerloP417TurbofarmerV3.MerloP417
Register vehicle type: Muething_Mulcher_Universal_v1.grasmulcher
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Register vehicle type: NH_t4_V1.T495
Register vehicle type: NH_t6160_V1.T6160
Register vehicle type: NH_t7210_V1.T7210
Register vehicle type: OekoPlusRGB_Double.oekoPlusRGBDouble
doorTrigger loaded
Script SchweineZucht v3.2.7 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Script AllInOneSilo v2.1.6-94b by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Register vehicle type: Quicke640_MP_Lift_YK2.QuickeFrontloader
Register vehicle type: Quicke640_MP_Lift_YK2.AloeShovel
Register vehicle type: ReckSilageSpreaderMagna.ReckSilageSpreaderMagna
Register vehicle type: SaMASZ_Z410.samasz_z410
Register vehicle type: SameDorado3_90.Dorado
Register vehicle type: SameFortis190.SameFortis
Register vehicle type: SauterEquipment.SauterFastCoupler
Register vehicle type: SauterEquipment.SauterRailAttachment
Register vehicle type: SauterEquipment.SauterBumper
Register vehicle type: Schwarzmueller_TiefladerV1_5.dynamicMountAttacherTrailer
Register vehicle type: SelfmadeConcreteWeights.Heckgewicht2
Register vehicle type: Siloking_DA2300.SilokingDA2300
Register vehicle type: Silowalze.implement
Script loaded: fmcFilltypes.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcModifyFSUtils.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcModifySprayers.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcGrowthControl.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcSoilModPlugins.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcTemporaryChoppedStrawPlugin.lua (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcDisplay.LUA (v2.0.22)
Script loaded: fmcSoilMod.LUA (v2.0.22)
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Script SchweineZucht v5.0.0-107 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Script FarmSilo v1.0.1-187 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
SearchBuyableObjectScript v1.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
--- loading GasStationExtended LS15 by tobiasgo ---
Register filltype: compost a part of CompostMaster2k16 placeable
Script ViehMarkt v2.0.0-95b by Marhu loaded! Support on http://marhu.net
Register vehicle type: Steyr8070a_SK2.steyr8070
Register vehicle type: Steyr8070a_SK2.BuyableTwinWheels
Register vehicle type: Steyr8080Turbo_SK1_2WD.steyr8080SK1
Register vehicle type: Steyr8090aTurbo_SK2_Laermarm.steyr8090
Register vehicle type: SteyrCVT6230.Steyr6230CVT
Register vehicle type: SteyrKompakt4095.4085
Register vehicle type: SteyrMulti4115.SteyrMulti
Register vehicle type: SteyrProfi4130CVT.Steyr_Profi4130
Register vehicle type: Stoll_Dreipunkt_Paltettengabel.FastCoupler
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: StrautmannTeraVitesse4601.TeraVitesse4601
Register vehicle type: ST_HuerliamnnH488.HuerlimannH488
Register vehicle type: ST_Same_Explorer_90.Same_90
Register vehicle type: Super1500TVLSpecial_byThomas0815.Super1500
Register vehicle type: TancoAutowrap1510EH.Wrapper
Register vehicle type: Tenias_Telehandler_Balefork.StrawFork
Register vehicle type: Tenias_Tractor_Balefork.StrawFork
Register vehicle type: Trailer_Kroeger_Brantneraufbau_E8041_LS15.Brantnertrailer
Register vehicle type: UnimogU1200_U1600.bm_unimogU1600
Register vehicle type: UnimogU1200_U1600.bm_unimogU1200
Register vehicle type: UnimogU1200_U1600.concreteWeightUnimog
Register vehicle type: vd_Balefork_attacher.baleFork
Register vehicle type: ViliceZaOkrogleBale.Spannraft
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: WaterMilkZunhammer.MilkTrailer
Warning: shop description type 'machineType' is deprecated. Please use 'category' instead! (modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0))
Register vehicle type: Wiesenschleppe_v5.Wiesenschleppe
Register vehicle type: zunhammer28750PE.liquidBarrel
BaleExtension V2.2 (by upsidedown) registering C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_baleExtension/bales/roundbaleGrass_w112_d130.i3d
register fruitType: weed (multiSpray/herbicide mod by upsidedown)
loading AdditionalFruitTypes
AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
\__ Register fruitType: Luzerne (luzerne) [key 17]
\____ Register windrowType: luzerne_windrow (luzerne_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: luzerne_windrow -> grass
\__ Register fruitType: Klee (klee) [key 18]
\____ Register windrowType: klee_windrow (klee_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: klee_windrow -> grass
\__ Register fruitType: Hafer (oat) [key 19]
\____ Register windrowType: oat_windrow (oat_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: oat_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: Roggen (rye) [key 20]
\____ Register windrowType: rye_windrow (rye_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: rye_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: Sonnenblumen (sunflower) [key 21]
\__ Register fruitType: grass_Hoch (grass_Hoch) [key 22]
\____ Register windrowType: grass_Hoch_windrow (grass_Hoch_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: grass_Hoch_windrow -> grass
\__ Register fruitType: grass_Normal (grass_Normal) [key 23]
\____ Register windrowType: grass_Normal_windrow (grass_Normal_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: grass_Normal_windrow -> grass
fruit type "manureSolid" already exists. "AdditionalFruitTypes" will skip its registration.
fruit type "manureLiquid" already exists. "AdditionalFruitTypes" will skip its registration.
fruit type "kalkSolid" already exists. "AdditionalFruitTypes" will skip its registration.
\__ Register fruitType: kalk (kalk) [key 24]
\__ Register fruitType: Komposterde (compostSolid) [key 25]
\____ Register windrowType: compostSolid_windrow (compostSolid_windrow)
\__ Register fruitType: Kompost (compost) [key 26]
dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.11 ms)
dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.15 ms)
dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.09 ms)
data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (4.21 ms)
data/sky/rain.i3d (0.86 ms)
data/sky/hail.i3d (0.59 ms)
data/sky/dust.i3d (0.52 ms)
OGF AMMERSEE MAP 2015 by BernieSCS: Register Fill type: Schwein, Rind,
C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//OGF_AMMERSEE_MAP/map/map01.i3d (15011.41 ms)
AllInOneSilo v 2.1.6-94b: SiloFillTypes 37
AllInOneSilo v 2.1.6-94b: SiloFillTypes 37
AllInOneSilo v 2.1.6-94b: SiloFillTypes 37
AllInOneSilo v 2.1.6-94b: SiloFillTypes 17
AllInOneSilo v 2.1.6-94b: SiloFillTypes 25
Script WoolPaletteCollector v2.2.1b by Marhu created id 520077! Support on http://marhu.net
Error: (FermentingSilo) invalid fillType compost_soil in TipTrigger
Error: (FermentingSilo) invalid fillType compost_soil in Kompostier_Anlage
FillType Mass Adjustment Mod by modelleicher loaded
Fillable mass of Filltype barley_windrow changed to 4e-005 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype kalk changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype woodChips changed to 0.00036 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype manureLiquid changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype choppedRape changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype milk changed to 0.00103 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype luzerne_windrow changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype rye changed to 0.00068000005558133 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype fuel changed to 0.00084 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype potato changed to 0.00073 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype barley changed to 0.00063 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype wheat changed to 0.00079 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype seeds changed to 0.00035 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype fuel2 changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype beef changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass_windrow changed to 7e-005 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pig changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype klee_windrow changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype silage changed to 0.0007 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_Normal changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype compostSolid_windrow changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype manure changed to 0.00079 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype compostSolid changed to 0.0010999999940395 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype chaff changed to 0.00046 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype sugarBeet changed to 0.00074 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype sunflower changed to 0.00041999999666587 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_Hoch changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype kalkSolid_windrow changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype rape changed to 0.00072 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizer changed to 0.0011 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_Hoch_windrow changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype wool changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype oat_windrow changed to 5.9999998484273e-005 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype wheat_windrow changed to 4e-005 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype maize changed to 0.0008 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype oat changed to 0.00049999996554106 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype klee changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype choppedMaize changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype treeSaplings changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype water changed to 0.001 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype manureSolid changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype choppedStraw changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype luzerne changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype weed changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass changed to 7e-005 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_windrow changed to 0.00035 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype kalkSolid changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype manureLiquid_windrow changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype forage_mixing changed to 0.00031 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_Normal_windrow changed to 0.00060000002849847 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype egg changed to 0.0001 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype compost changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype rye_windrow changed to 5.9999998484273e-005 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype liquidManure changed to 0.00098 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype manureSolid_windrow changed to 0.0002 tons per Liter (according to multiplier)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass changed to 0.00035 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype forage changed to 0.00032 tons per Liter (according to real mass table)
FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.
-- registering bale counter specialization
adding bale counter to baler
adding bale counter to FS15_KroneComprimaV180_SP77_2.kroneComprimaV180
adding bale counter to FS15_KroneBigPack1290_SP77_2.kroneBigPack1290
--- loading Getriebe v0.92 by mogli ---
LightAddon: Failed inserting on SameFortis190.SameFortis as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Fendt927Vario_Wash.fendtWeight as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on SameDorado3_90.Dorado as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Steyr8070a_SK2.steyr8070 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Steyr8070a_SK2.BuyableTwinWheels as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on NH_t4_V1.T495 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Steyr8080Turbo_SK1_2WD.steyr8080SK1 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on NH_t6160_V1.T6160 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on SteyrKompakt4095.4085 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on LamborghiniR2_90.R2 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on KRONE_BIGX_580.krone as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Quicke640_MP_Lift_YK2.AloeShovel as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on MerloP417TurbofarmerV3.MerloP417 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on DeutzFahr120MK3_Washable.mk3 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Super1500TVLSpecial_byThomas0815.Super1500 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on NH_t7210_V1.T7210 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on LamborghiniR6_160__1_.lambo6 as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Steyr8090aTurbo_SK2_Laermarm.steyr8090 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on CT_JCB_536_Teleskoplader_FS15.Claas7044 as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Fendt927Vario_Wash.Fendt927Vario as it has the specialization (beleuchtung31)
LightAddon: Failed inserting on Quicke640_MP_Lift_YK2.QuickeFrontloader as it has the specialization (beleuchtungV31)
realTerrain: Not inserting on sowingMachine_animated as it has the specialization (sowingMachine)
realTerrain: Not inserting on sowingMachine as it has the specialization (sowingMachine)
SearchModsScript v3.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
loadMap - StopBuyStuff
*** ChoppedStraw v15.0.02 specialization loading ***
--- loading addMultiFruit mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module FUR OGF_USA_2015 by BernieSCS: C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_OGF_USA/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown edit PATJO)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiSprayer mod V3.2 --- (by upsidedown)
loading multiSpray/herbicide Mod V3.2 (by upsidedown)
register spec SpeedControl v15.0.0
SoilMod: Registering new spray-types
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil
data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (22.86 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (5.55 ms)
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_FORAGE_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_OAT_WINDROW_120_90_240 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_120_90_240
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_OAT_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_RYE_WINDROW_120_90_240 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_120_90_240
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_RYE_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_DRYGRASS_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_LUZERNE_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_LUZERNE_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_KLEE_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_KLEE_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_NORMAL_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_NORMAL_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_HOCH_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_HOCH_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130
data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnFC3525F.i3d (15.94 ms)
data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgroStar661.i3d (35.16 ms)
dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (224.22 ms)
C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GearboxAddon_JD6410/zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xml
zzzMrGearboxAddon: found configuration for JohnDeere6410/JohnDeere6410.xml
zzzMrGearboxAddon: found configuration for JohnDeere6410/JohnDeere6410CareWheels.xml
zzzMrGearboxAddon: found configuration for JohnDeere6410/JohnDeere6410FH.xml
zzzMrGearboxAddon: found configuration for JohnDeere6410/JohnDeere6410FHCareWheels.xml
C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xml
zzzMrGearboxAddon: no configuration found for inserting gearboxMogli into data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgroStar661.xml
Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
C:/Users/Flori/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//zzz_setBackLinkageUp/SetBackLinkageUp.lua:479: attempt to index global 'ManualAttaching' (a nil value)
Application exit request forced.
Application exit request forced.
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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by böserlöwe »

Hallo hier gab es das Problem schon mal:
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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:43 pm

Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by OctaviaRS »

Also muss ich den heckhydraulik mod entfernen oder den mod rein tun wo ich selber anhängen muss?!?!
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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by böserlöwe »

Tja, so ist das mit den Abhängigkeiten von den Mods nun mal.
Andere Lösungen sind derzeit nicht in Sicht, so das nur diese erstmal übrig bleibt.
Oder du musst selbst Hand anlegen und versuchen eine für dich passende Lösung zu finden.
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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by OctaviaRS »

Danke danke hab denn heckhydraulik mod rausgenommen und siehe da des funktioniert wieder danke danke
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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by don_apple »

@OctaviaRS: es gibt vom "heckhydraulik mod" inzwischen eine gefixte Version: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/heckhydraulik-anheben

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Re: Spiel wird geladen bitte warten

Post by Der_Tod »

...und ansonsten noch

Code: Select all

Load mod: GuelleMistMod
Load mod: ZZZ_GuelleMistMod
Load mod: SoilManagement
Diese beiden Mods (GMK und Soilmod) sind nicht kompatibel. Du musst Dich entscheiden, welche Du nutzen willst und die andere aus dem Modsordner nehmen. Bist Du Dir sicher, dass Du beide Varianten des GMK benötigst, für die Map, die Du gerade spielst?

Code: Select all

Load mod: Stappenbach_SOILMOD
Load mod: Murnau
Load mod: Landwehrkanal_SoilMod_LS15
Es sollte sich immer nur eine Mod-Map im Modsordner befinden. Warum das so ist, und wie man sich das beispielsweise organisieren kann, habe ich ausführlich hier erklärt: viewtopic.php?p=677819#p677819

Code: Select all

Load mod: Steyr8110aTurbo_SK2_Elektronic
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod Steyr8110aTurbo_SK2_Elektronic
Diese Mod ist entweder nicht für LS 15 oder zumindest nicht für die von Dir verwendete Version (1.4.2). Da sie sowieso nicht funktioniert, solltest Du sie aus dem Modsordner löschen.

Code: Select all

Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_OGF_USA
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard
Bist Du sicher, dass Du beide Module für die Map, die Du gerade verwendest, benötigst?

Wenn der Tod kommt, ist Sense.
Post Reply