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Brand new server called 'Heapsteriser Official YT' now online!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:35 am
by peterheapster
Hello everyone,

I, Peter Heapster have a brand new dedicated server online called 'Heapsteriser Official YT' on Farming Simulator 17. It is located on the 'Continental Europe' region and mods are required in order to join the game, but not lots of mods, just a few to make the server a bit better. No password either.

You can do anything you want to do and there isn't a limit to the amount of agricultural work you can possibly do. We do have admins on there and from time to time I do look for new admins and assign them as admins on the server.

I will also have a brand new gaming channel up on YouTube in the upcoming months called 'Heapsteriser' and I will be doing tons of single player gameplay on there from on Farming Simulator 15 and the new version 17 too, including on other fantastic games out there.

I will be doing some multiplayer gameplay with the players out there on my server every week but of course all of this will be unveiled on my social media and on my YouTube channel. Go ahead and search for me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and on YouTube too. Search: Peter Heapster. You can even add me on Snapchat: peterheapster.

If you have any questions or would like to join the server then don't hesitate to contact me on any of the above, preferably not through the FS-UK forum as I am never on here. I hope to see you on my server very soon!

Peter Heapster,
Owner of Heapsteriser Official YT.