Bourgault DLC John Deere 9RX issue

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Bourgault DLC John Deere 9RX issue

Post by Skunkworks »

- PC/Mac/PS4/XB1: All
- Vehicle/Tool/Model/Object: John Deere 9RX from Bourgault DCL
- Issue: Not affected by uneven ground
- Single- or Multiplayer: both
- Steps to reproduce: drive over a field, the vehicle does not react to uneven ground. It behaves as if it is on a smooth surface
- Does it happen on a standard map without mods yes/no yes
- Which vehicles & machines are involved: John Deere 9RX

Please fix this. It ruins the immersion when playing with an otherwise superb vehicle.

Take not of what your customers are asking for. Other companies are asking for feedback of issues to be addressed for their games.

Ranking this as low is silly. Various other players have also reported the same issue.
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Re: Bourgault DLC John Deere 9RX issue

Post by iwan073 »

Ignorance is bliss