More old tractors coming?

Newholland T8
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by Newholland T8 »

patience and your call will be answered, its been said a thousand times that its entirely down to modders and what they choose to make, and personally im amazed at the talent and creativity of the modders that truly have extended the life of this game, look at FS17 when that released everyone was amazed with the new features, the AGCO license and then the mods started trickling down slowly but they totally transformed the game, you compare my last save on 17 before 19 released and the day i fired the game up for the first time, its a completely different game, seasons, tyre dirt, crop destruction, amazing maps, and amazing tractors, from what i can understand making a tractor mod is hard and time consuming, i cant think of anything short of a map or a vehicle is the hardest of mods to make, so just be patient and they will come trust me
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by ilovetrains »

I believe it has posted here form Giant's sources that they (Giants) do NOT plan to issue official DLC with older tractors form prior games.

There will be mods...some will be very well done.

The theory about Giant's licensing partners not wanting older equipment is interesting...but flies in the face of reality that Giants does not really feature the latest and greatest from their partners to begin with. JD is all about nostalgia (currently in the midst of 100 year celebration). Pretty sure they are not the problem.
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by cmdrbyron »

edit - accidental double/incomplete post
Last edited by cmdrbyron on Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by cmdrbyron »

ilovetrains wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:02 pm The theory about Giant's licensing partners not wanting older equipment is interesting...but flies in the face of reality that Giants does not really feature the latest and greatest from their partners to begin with. JD is all about nostalgia (currently in the midst of 100 year celebration). Pretty sure they are not the problem.
Maybe not "latest/greatest" (mis-worded on my part - sorry!), but definitely more modern than what is being asked for here for the majority, especially given that it has been acknowledged as an issue before.
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by eric21 »

It was one of the manufacturs that didn't want it on console, not giants
olskool farmer
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by olskool farmer »

Understandable but they don't see any historical standpoints and overlook antique tractor enthusiasts,there are a lot of them and manufacturers should be proud to know they built some things than that are valued as well as iconic in the eyes of the farm world and allowing older tractors and machinery on farm sim 19 would allow younger generations to see and hear how they run and how to drive and opperate them as well as those of our generations who like this stuff but never was able to find one or even afford to get one let alone restore it,now people could have th chance to farm with these,so for them to not grant the licenses, SHAME ON THEM,it's a flipp'n joke and a disappointment
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by cmdrbyron »

"SHAME ON THEM" for making what many would consider a sound, rational business decision? There are many decisions made that lead to outcomes I would consider agreeing might construe a "joke and a disappointment", but this is definitely not one of them!

I would also offer that FS is endeavouring to provide a "modern" farming experience, not necessarily an "iconic/nostalgic" one (important distinction, to me at least)

How long do you expect the average player to actually spend any significant amount of time with these assets? How many people do you really think are going to spend hours and hours driving that one particular tractor around, knowing that there are better ones out there? Given that this request arises time and again, and that they have not been included to date, I would offer that the answer is "not enough to warrant the application of resources over the commensurate amount of time".

How many tractors do you think modern manufacturers sell based upon something that is 5 - 10 generations removed from their current line-up? If you go out to buy a "new" car (<1 year old), are you telling us that you would rather consider the model that was released 20 years ago, rather than what was just released last year? Sure, there is something to be said for Manufacturer Pride, and historical performance is a selling factor - but just because they built a tractor decently 30 years ago doesn't mean much in the modern era, that whole "they don't build 'em like they used to" and all that... What does matter is that they continued to build decent tractors over the years since then matters far more.

What about every other person who wants the same thing is as you (old tractor from their childhood dreams), but in a slightly different form (you want the 1962 Allis Chalmers, they want the 1963, can't have both)? Would you feel better knowing someone else got their wish (to live out the fantasy you allude to above) but you didn't? I suspect not...

Try to think about the bigger picture, and consider perspectives that may not align (or worse, contradict) your own... Your last post suggests you don't actually want to play FS - you want to live out a personal fantasy, driving that "one" tractor you were "never able to afford to get one, let alone restore it".

Sorry FS appears to have let you down in such a monumental fashion :(
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by KWW92374 »

For me...I want older,classic tractors and equipment on fs19...the new tractors and equipment....mean nothing to me.fs19 will be fun when changes...or gets added...take care all.
olskool farmer
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by olskool farmer »

KWW92374 wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:18 am For me...I want older,classic tractors and equipment on fs19...the new tractors and equipment....mean nothing to me.fs19 will be fun when changes...or gets added...take care all.
Thanks man,I agree with you, and there are many old tractors I like and there are others too who like both newer and older but have more fun with older ones also,at least I'm not the only one,this isn't the only time some liberal who drives a prius and preahes the gospel according to "KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES" got all butthurt because I don't believe in old stuff being considered "junk" "yesterday's trash" and "obsolete" don't get me wrong,new stuff is cool too but there's nothing wrong with old stuff too,all I asked is that I'd like to see old stuff too and I know there are others as well,so yeah who cares what some liberl modernizer has to say,they car get in their little electric golf carts,and go whine about it at the next "al gore fest" just because some of us who would like to see some old stuff come to fs19 doesn't mean that those who are all deep in the 21st century go whine and infringe on those who are a bit nostalgic
olskool farmer
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by olskool farmer »

and I love playing fs,all I did is make a request along with point,not looking for a libral hippie rally keep up with the times preach fest,I said new stuff is cool too but would like to see more older stuff come to consoles as well and I know that I'm NOT the only one
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by Deadeye »

olskool farmer wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:34 pm and I love playing fs,all I did is make a request along with point,not looking for a libral hippie rally keep up with the times preach fest,I said new stuff is cool too but would like to see more older stuff come to consoles as well and I know that I'm NOT the only one
Apologize all, but this may be a long one. Brace yourselves.
Must we really bring politics in this in any way??? I think we see plenty of that outside of this forum.
Regardless, bottom line is this: Older tractors are harder to add into farming simulator. There are only a handful of manufacturers who have kept the same name continuously. Really, the only one I know of is John Deere, but I'm unsure if there are more, because I didn't grow up on a farm, rather grew up around them. So there's that issue for all systems (Console AND PC)

Next, we get into the fact that getting mods approved for Consoles is more difficult. On PC, we have the ability to basically download anything we want, we can also make our own mods if we so chose to. It's different with the consoles, as has been said before. Many people think this is GIANTS fault, but in reality it isn't. Sony and Microsoft are who make it difficult for you guys to get more mods, in all reality. I'm not pointing fingers, it's just how it is. I'm not a tech guru, and I don't claim to be. However, I do believe that the hardware on a PC is very different from that of a console by design. Anyone can feel free to correct me on that if i'm wrong.

I hear more mods are coming. (Hopefully Seasons is among them, so that I can really jump into FS19 full force) Really, FS17 on the PS4 didn't get many mods until a few months in, but when they finally did come, they came quickly. There is little doubt in my mind good things are coming you guys' way. It just takes time.

I know, you hear it all the time "Get a PC", "PC is better". The best advice I can give anyone if they want nearly unlimited freedom with mods is this: Get a PC. I understand some people may not be able to afford it, and that's understandable, but if you can, I strongly recommend it. I built one for myself, and it is only a mid-range PC for fairly cheap, and I also have my PS4. There are things I will always love my console for, but I love the vast amount of games and freedom of the PC also.

I mean no offense to anyone by what i'm saying. It's just my totally honest opinion from experience, and we've all probably heard the old saying about opinions. Anyhow, hope I didn't bore anyone too much, or get too far off topic.
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olskool farmer
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by olskool farmer »

No offense taken an yeah I hope to one day afford a PC and you're right it was the same thing with fs 17,and I know it's not giants fault,it's sony and xbox being rediculous,and people aren't happy about it but it is what it is,I love to farm and I'm also a tractor fanatic,but I'm grateful for anything machinery or tractor related
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by Dogface »

olskool farmer wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:28 pm stop MY bickering? whatever Mr.Pc go gloat elsewhere sorry if SOME of us want to see something other than "Christmas trees and lawn chairs *thumbsdown* and redglasses AMEN to that bro
It would be funny if the modder who made the much hated Christmas Tree also made old tractors.
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by Addictedtofs »

I've never understood how these brands see the farming simulator games as advertising. Do they think that the average gamer is going to suddenly have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on a tractor to mow their front yard? Why do they care so much how they are represented? How many gamers are suddenly going to go buy a farm? I could never afford mine if my grandpa hadn't left it too me.
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Re: More old tractors coming?

Post by Deadeye »

Addictedtofs wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:27 am I've never understood how these brands see the farming simulator games as advertising. Do they think that the average gamer is going to suddenly have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on a tractor to mow their front yard? Why do they care so much how they are represented? How many gamers are suddenly going to go buy a farm? I could never afford mine if my grandpa hadn't left it too me.
Farming is quite a tough living anymore. My area used to have dairy farms everywhere. Now there are fewer and fewer. Many of those that have managed to survive sold off their dairy herds and bought beef cattle. Those that are still milking have certainly had to adapt. I've always felt the same way about the advertising too. Granted, it is free advertising, but it is unlikely that many players will quit their day jobs and decide to start farming, let alone the cost of it.
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