Friend can't access whichever region server I try to host on

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Friend can't access whichever region server I try to host on

Post by SpaceTruckinn »

PC - Steam
Not vehicle/object/mechanic related - serverside problem.
Steps to reproduce - host a game, have a friend try to join, the game will refuse to even connect him to the server browser.

I'm trying to get a game going so my friend can join. Creating a game works perfectly fine, I can load in, everything works for me.

The problem is when my friend tries to find my game, the server browser for whichever region I'm hosting on refuses to connect on his end. We have tested each region, and it is always the one I'm hosting on that refuses to let him connect while all the others work.

We have tested having him in the server browser before I create the game, then once I start to load in he gets booted out of the server browser.

Attempting to join through steam also does absolutely nothing but cause the join button to disappear.

This is starting to get infuriating as the game is refusing to let us into any server - this also happens when he tries to host. Same thing - region for whichever server he attempts to host on refuses to let me into the browser but he loads in perfectly fine. This can't be a mod conflict either because we have the exact same mods file and the problem occurs before even attempting to join my specific game - he can't even access the server browser.