Placement obstructions- Rubicon 9000 rendered clearance (maybe others)

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Placement obstructions- Rubicon 9000 rendered clearance (maybe others)

Post by SylentXtinction »

Rubicon 9000 obstructs placement of placeable items based on UNFOLDED WIDTH, even when the equipment is folded, and inside another building. I will be testing other wide folding equipment for similar issues.

I have noticed many people having issues with placeables next to other structures. I incurred the same issue today. When attempting to place one shed beside another with ample clearance and on flat terrain, it kept saying blocked by object. In the shed next door, I had parked a folded Rubicon 9000 sprayer. Judging by the distance it took to alleviate the issue, I found the problem. The game rendered obstructed distance based on the unit unfolded. I then removed the tractor from the neighboring shed, and was allowed to place the new one adjacent to it.

If you are having unexplained object obstructions when placing buildings or other placeables next to equipment, or sheds that contain equipment... try removing the equipment first. Again, this may be an issue with other folding equipment I have not yet tested.