Game more relaxing than Farming Simulator

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Game more relaxing than Farming Simulator

Post by MrSquealypig »

I had the fortune recently of accidentally stumbling on an amazing game that is even more relaxing than FS, but unfortunately it appears not many people are playing or even aware of it.

You basically go around painting certain areas or objects for NPCs and also doing a pretty large variety of other tasks for them. The quests are all really interesting and almost always have big consequences that really change the game depending on how you treat people. Even though there is no combat, at no point will you ever be bored because you are always trying to figure something out.

The game (Eastshade) has been out on steam for a while but it came out on consoles more recently (I play on PS4). Have you guys found any non-simulator games that are this relaxing? Please share!
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Re: Game more relaxing than Farming Simulator

Post by Deadeye »

TheHunter: Call of the Wild can be, but only if you play it in a more realistic sense. Sometimes I like to get away from the everyday "Shoot anything that moves" play style and take my time and hunt for specific animals. Lately it's red fox, as I've been trying to obtain a diamond red fox. Not quite as slow paced as the real thing, but quite close.
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Re: Game more relaxing than Farming Simulator

Post by GothicKing13 »

I love theHunter: Call of the Wild. Though, I always kit up for a specific animal and enjoy my time out. Hike my way back to the lodge when I want to switch up for a different animal. Though, right now... in Layton Lakes I have all the animals covered weapon wise due to me carrying around a bow complete with 300Gr 420Gr and 600Gr arrows but I only have the callers for Coyote and Deer equipped.
GOTHICKING13 With every deed, you are sowing a seed. Though the harvest, you may not see.
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