Solitaire has better graphics

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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Hoffa82 »

Well, we'll never know, since it's unlikely that a farming game ever get that kind of recourses.
But in my opinion it's not the technical limitations of Giants development compared to AAA games, it's the decisions they make with the series that's the problem.
For example, many people praise the inclusion of seasons and gearboxes, but I'm more worried about it, since it's much more simple implementation, which to me seems more like a gimmick than a genuine attempt at a good working simulation to leviate the need for those mods.
But does this mean that this is all we get? Will the modders behind Seasons or RMT give up and not develop more advanced versions?
That is what worries me, if feel like Giants trying to be too wide so to say, I was gladly surprised when they announced the features of FS22, maybe this time the game was going to be more worthy of the "simulation" part of its name but then the implementation of those turned out to be mostly arcady.

And the graphics.. I don't know, fired up GTA V to compare, to me that game is just as cartoony as FS, RDR2 is miles better of course. But other games like WRC10 is miles behind, while X-plane looks better, but I have hundred of dollars of mods to make it look like that so... My point is, graphics is so subjective that it's hard to say what's right and wrong with it. I believe it's more up to design and art decisions than technical.

And optimization, maybe it's bad or maybe it's not needed. For me on a rtx2060 laptop, the game runs fine, but obviously for other with better overall components it doesn't.
So where is the truth? Is it the game, is it hardware, is it how good and clean condition of your windows is running?
And of course, fine for me is running at a constant 60fps, for others that may be unacceptable, it needs to run at a constant 144fps at 4K to be "optimized".

What I'm saying is that there is, in my opinion, no baseline, what one side says is unplayable is running perfect for the other, same with bugs or features depending on which side you're standing on.

Now I lost my own thread, but I'm guessing what I'm saying is that yes, the game has bugs, but it could be worse, the graphics aren't the best, but it could be worse.
Are Giants going to listen to a bunch throwing rocks at eachother, or is it more likely that they listen to constructive criticism? Or maybe more likely to not listen at all?
Well, this post is probably not going to change anything on either side, so I'm going back to playing FS19 and waiting for more mods for FS22

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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Luftkopf »

I agree with you about the subjective nature of the graphics. I have a fairly modest system (an i5 9400f with a RX580), and it runs quite well for me, though I expect when 4x mod maps start dropping, I'll have to turn down some settings.

While I understand the concern about modders deciding to not expand on seasons in the manner of the previous mods, I'm not sure how seasons and gearboxes could be gimmicks though. Aren't they necessary advances to the game? I tend to think that the new baseline will let modders make new and better mods than we have had before. Maybe I'm too optimistic?

I like your summary, and agree.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Hoffa82 »

That's what I mean, it could go either way, I want to be optimistic too, but as the poet said; "I have a bad feeling about this"

Gimmick maybe isn't the right word, take gearboxes for example, it's nice that they included that mechanism, but it's not working as a gearbox should. No hand throttle, no torque, I've not driven a huge amount of tractors, but all of the ones I've driven with traditional gearboxes never needed me to ride the clutch to get going. Just set rpm, gear and the release clutch to go. In game if you release clutch without going very slow and adding a lot of rpm, the engine will stall, even with no load. I'm not recognise that behaviour from my own experience.
Same with stones, it's a nice idea, but the way it's implemented is, to me, questionable, and that makes me turn off a feature that is in theory nice, but in reality not so nice.
I hope Giants fix things with patches, or modders step in and fill in the gaps.
But when it seems that the majority of players find these features great, I don't know if there's any motivation to change them.
This is of course my opinion and thoughts, I hope I'm wrong, and I'm trying to be optimistic... Only future will tell.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Luftkopf »

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, because I just play with a keyboard and mouse, I let the computer change gears for me. From what you say the implementation sounds like the old 50s Masseys I drove a decade ago. You had to be careful with the clutches on those, or you'd stall or hop, and they were so heavy I almost needed to stand up to push the pedal down!

I'm with you on the implementation of stones. I liked the idea, but have turned it off for now.

The issue I feel strongly about is carried over from FS19. I really annoyed me how the Xerion had a locked front axle, when in real life it articulates over uneven ground. This made it struggle to put its power down properly when working hard. I hoped when I got the SaddleTrac bonus that it would no longer be an issue, but I was disappointed. It has the same locked axle.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Hoffa82 »

That is why I'm a bit worried about the decisions at Giants.
Did they go inte development saying "we want to simulate how drive lines in agricultural machinery works" or "players want gearboxes, let's add some numbers and letter that change when they drive, that'll make the happy"
Or stones; "stones in fields is a big part of farming, let's approximate that to the best of our ability" or "Stones in fields look great on screenshots, we must have lots of stones!"
With the release of precision farming for FS19, and the collaboration that lead to that, and hopefully with the future release of PF for FS22, the motivation is to make the game/simulation or whatever one wants to call it as good as possible.
But then again "good" is subjective, I want a more realistic and deep simulation, others don't, so we'll see what path Giants take.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by SimulatedFarmer »

xGamtekx wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:03 pm At least some of you agree with me that fs22 is overhyped and not optimized correctly and the rest of the Giant ar** lickers think i have a IQ of 0 ;) lol

I deleted this. I'm tired of being involved in these discussions. Sorry for the dead post.
Last edited by SimulatedFarmer on Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by BostonJohnny1226 »

I originally got FS13 for free while on XBox 360.
Being from Boston, I had no idea what was involved with farming until this game and fell in love with it.
Then, with Fs15, I moved to PC and discovered mods and how to make them. A combine that harvests @ 40mph with a 300,000ltr capacity-----heck yeah!
But then I got to thinking.......the base game is kinda boring, has some problems and is quite repetitive. It's the mods that make the game and that's never really sat well with me.
Every iteration is released before it's truly done, a beta of sorts, but Giants do seem to fix them as they go. I'll give them credit for that. But, what has the game been built upon? MODS!
We know where their version/idea of "Seasons" came from. Their version of the mod "Soil Management" by Decker. Their version of "CoursePlay".Not to mention the idea of factories and production--Pleasant Valley over the years. Without any of these, their game would have died years ago! I myself would not want to try to run a massive farming operation without CoursePlay!
To me, it doesn't matter how many employees you have or budget. If you tell me that for $49.99, I'm going to get "this", well that's what I paid for and I have every right to be upset if I feel I didn't get what you promised. Where's the problem with that? Are we WRONG to expect to get what we paid for or are we to be chastised for voicing our displeasure with what we received?
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by humbe »

BostonJohnny1226 wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:50 am ...
To me, it doesn't matter how many employees you have or budget. If you tell me that for $49.99, I'm going to get "this", well that's what I paid for and I have every right to be upset if I feel I didn't get what you promised. Where's the problem with that? Are we WRONG to expect to get what we paid for or are we to be chastised for voicing our displeasure with what we received?
You are of course allowed to have any expectation and be happy or annoyed as the game fulfills your expectations or not. However, if your expectations arent realistic you are bound to be disappointed.

When you say your expectations is what you paid for then it sounds like you have been promised that your expectations have been fulfilled. Have Giants released commercials for the game that are lying? What did they promise?

As a dev myself the release is more on par with my expectations as said before, but Im curious to see what information Giants have released that gives people expectations far beyond what is delivered. It is easy to assume the expectations have roots elsewhere and if so Giants can hardly be faulted for not delivering on them..
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by EUROFARMER22 »

To avoid any missunderstandings, I am NOT the laywer of Giants, nor I am a fanboy. I am jyst trying to be fair. IMO, FS22 is EXACTLY the game Giants announced. Yes, there are few bugs, yes, there are things that needs to be improved, but the game is EXACTLY what they said it was going to be, and they delivered EXACTLY the game they announced. They haven't promised something that is not in the game, they introduced FS22 and they delivered it. Without fake commercials, without promises. They did what they said. I hope people will stop mumbling and focus on the game.

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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by MrSquealypig »


The only post in this entire thread worth reading
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Illinois Farmer »

DEERE318 wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 6:58 am
Gormett wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:29 am
MrSquealypig wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:58 am yeah let's compare the most complicated physics simulation game to a game where you just walk around and swing a sword

I'm sorry that I dared to compare dev teams and their 2018 game to a 2021 game, where the 2018 game has every NPC with their daily schedule, where quests can play out without you even when you're on the other side of the map, where a game has weather effects and... you may want to sit down for this... where surfaces and ground get wet when it rains and even moves the folaige in the wind. Or all the animations that play during combat, or the fact that weather masks the sound of your sneaking, or the layering tech for the clothing and armor.

"where you just walk around with a sword. Ignorant." The only ignorant here is you.

I guess that if someone doesn't agree with your world view, you HAVE to turn to insults straight away.

And, I was comparing dev teams and what they achieved, not "haha tractor haha sword"
You won't get through to people like Illinois Farmer or MrSquealypig. One has a fascination with Farmboss, and the other is a toddler.
Even if they know you're right, they'll never admit it. I just pick at everything they say, like they do, and it makes them seethe because they think I hate the game and developers.
Rent free. I didn't post in this thread until now. I think graphics can be improved but fs does keep track of the whole map whereas other games only load where you go, hence losing screens when teleworking.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by mackintosh »

The game still runs on the same old patchwork engine and hangs on for dear life on two threads. They're not going to dramatically improve fidelity or physics until they rewrite it to take advantage of modern CPUs. Pushing for better graphics now would cause the whole thing to implode and create a singularity that would devour us all.
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by Dairydeere »

Derplodactyl wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:21 pm
DEERE317 wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:16 pm
Derplodactyl wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:58 pm Well this is a helpful thread. Next to nothing constructive in it, comparing entirely different games, with some folk resorting to personal comments. It's mostly turned into a whinge fest. Nothing of substance in the OP, and tbh, I wonder why is this thread still open. 😂
Welcome to the any thread which attempts to insult the game/GIANTS (and any constructive threads after a few pages) :lol: :sadnew:

I've been about long enough to have seen it a fair few times before. Constructive comments are few and far between - it's usually yelling that your opinion is correct and any other is wrong, or making some comment which usually starts in arguments. 😂
AKA the melting pot of bad feelings. Oh, the things the Internet provides for us lol
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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by NWJ22 »

I got what I paid for, what I paid for I expected, what I expected is what was advertised, now what do I intend?

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Re: Solitaire has better graphics

Post by techpower888 »

Just my 2c, there are definitely some problems with the game, are there more than what should be expected of a final release game at the asking price? I would say absolutely yes. Will they be fixed? Yes, over time I'm sure most of them will.

The graphics are actually fantastic on my 75" TV, the problem I'm experiencing is with the constant changing of framerate which I believe is due to the view distances or nearby vehicles / buildings. When panning the camera around it causes an unusual stutter around all the vehicles and buildings and the framerate seems to drop away drastically. Looking directly at the ground (like a bird's eye view of your vehicle) brings it back to perfect frame rates. This is actually really annoying on Xbox (I'm on Series S) and I can't believe the game was released with such an obvious problem. Constantly going from buttery smooth to really choppy fraemrates is a real headache (literally).

However, I will persevere with the game because I enjoy taking my time and expanding my farm, loving the new grape / olive farming and the number of vehicles in the base game is really good compared to last couple of FS versions. I feel the choice of some of the assigned controls on Xbox are also rather questionable, I found the pressure hose needs you to hold B, but then I can't pan around and wash my tractor properly because that requires me to have 2 right hands - one for the B button and one for the right joystick. They should have at least made that a toggle or just hold the trigger to blast the hose. The other one was that the tele handler requires me to use both triggers and shoulder buttons and I find this difficult to do simultaneously, but can understand there are limited buttons and triggers to use for all the manoeuvres, and don't really blame anyone for this.

The other weird thing I've noticed is that they changed the soil composition colours and states, to what I can only describe and unusual and unnecessary. For some reason once I've weeded now, I can't see the current fertilised state of the field like I could before, it seems this only happens if you have followed every other process including rolling the field (on the field I rolled, it did actually work properly, but doesn't work if you forget to roll the field). This is a big stuff up from Giants this one. I don't know what they were thinking here, it worked perfectly before and I'm not sure why they changed it to what is now an utter mess when I check the field states in my menu.

Overall I think it's the best iteration of FS yet, and will only get better with future patches. Definitely already got my money's worth and hopefully they can iron out a few more issues in the new year.

Happy Farming!
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