Bale Handling Gameplay impacted by Hardware Performance

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Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2021 10:08 am

Bale Handling Gameplay impacted by Hardware Performance

Post by Floris.Verstegen »

I just moved from a Game Laptop based around a RTX 2070 Max-Q and a laptop i7 from the 9th generation to a Desktop 3080TI with an i9 11900K. I moved over my savegame, mods and most of the settings after a fresh install of Windows and the game.

On my laptop I always had trouble with bale handling, they would get stuck, dance when in close proximity and make it a little to challenging sometimes to work decently with them. Too my big surprise all these issues seem to be gone on the new system. Obviously the game runs smoother but all weird issues with bale handling are gone.

Have more people observed this and is this indeed due to the performance increase of the new system hardware?