TLX Phoenix Sound update after mod patch

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Joined: Fri May 06, 2016 12:03 am

TLX Phoenix Sound update after mod patch

Post by BC144601 »

Sound anomalies I've noticed
The three regular Phoenix trucks:
1. Phoenix CMS Cummins (Red Eng Color): Can't toggle jake brake on/off
2. Phoenix CAT (Yellow Eng Color): No engine sound
3. Phoenix D60 Detroit (Teal Eng Color): Can't toggle jake brake on/off

Low Sound Phoenix Trucks
1. Phoenix CMS Cummins (Red Eng Color) Can't toggle jake brake on/off
2. Phoenix CAT Wrong Engine Color and Sound: Engine color is from D60 Detroit (teal color) but it sounds like the CMS Cummins and you can't toggle jake brake on/off
3. Phoenix D60 Detroit (Teal Eng Color) Wrong Sound: Sounds like the CMS Cummins and can't toggle jake brake on/off

1. V6 Phoenix Service Truck: Can't toggle jake brake on/off
2. V8 Phoenix Service Truck: This is the ONE truck you CAN toggle the jake brake on/off

All trucks were tested with all engines smallest to largest

Thank you for your mods and time
Sincerely BC144601 from the console community.