Warzee DE551FL can't blow straw with joystick

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Warzee DE551FL can't blow straw with joystick

Post by RaggeBiff »

- PC/Mac/PS4/XB1: PC
- Vehicle/Tool/Model/Object: Warzee DE551FL
- Issue: I've had a problem since the game got released and that is that I can't use the Warzee DE551FL and empty it in the cow stable with the use of my joystick button. All I get is a "This action could not be performed here" text but as soon as I press the keyboard button for it it works
- Single- or Multiplayer: Both
- Steps to reproduce: Try to empty the strawblower into the cow stable with a controller :confusednew:
- Does it happen on a standard map without mods yes/no Yes
- Which vehicles & machines are involved: I've tried it with different tractors and that doesn't have anything to do with it but the problem is the Warzee DE551FL

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